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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to Atlantic Menhaden [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1270]
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2/1/25  7:05 pm
Commenter: Molly Pinkas

I SUPPORT the petition.

I support the petition and request regulation of menhaden to protect the Bay. There is a reason that Maryland has prohibited purse seining of menhaden in our waterways since the 1950s, because it is environmentally detrimental and hurts our residents, wildlife, and waterways. We don't have massive fish kills washing up on our state beaches. It is time for Virginia to catch up. The detrimental impacts of this practice have been well known for decades. Please stop prioritizing corporate greed and profits at the expense of the health of the Bay. This corporation takes 90% of menhaden harvested in US waters and makes hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. Meanwhile future generations will not see dolphins in the Bay or ospreys soar over the rivers, because greedy and short sighted corporations destroyed the food chain. Please take action to protect menhaden and the ecosystem of the Bay before it is too late.

CommentID: 230397