Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Rules and Regulations For Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services [12 VAC 35 ‑ 105]
Action Integration of the Final Federal Rule: Registration Requirements for Narcotic Treatment Programs with Mobile Components into the Licensing Regulations
Stage Fast-Track
Comment Period Ended on 11/20/2024
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10/22/24  10:59 am
Commenter: Dean Lynch, Virginia Association of Counties

Comments from Virginia Association of Counties

Ms. Susan H. Puglisi

Regulatory Research Specialist

DBHDS Office of Regulatory Affairs

1220 Bank Street, 4th Floor South

Richmond, VA 23219

Dear Ms. Puglisi:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed regulations amending 12VAC35-105, Rules and Regulations for Licensing Providers by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (amending 12VAC35-105-20 and adding 12VAC35-105-1830 through 12VAC35-105-1870).  We very much appreciate your time and that of your colleagues in meeting with us to discuss these proposed regulations and the Department's plan to implement them.

Based on our conversation with Department staff several weeks ago, we understand that the Department is planning to require certain safeguards of providers with respect to local governments' notice and opportunity to comment regarding planned locations for mobile medication-assisted treatment program services.

Specifically, it is our understanding that the following requirements will be imposed:

  • The Department will require proof that providers have received approval from the Drug Enforcement Administration for additional site locations and that providers have informed the local governing body and the local Community Services Board of the locations where they intend to provide services.
  • Providers must document the locality's response to the proposed service locations and communicate that response to the Department.  Providers will be given a standard form for a locality to use to submit any concerns or complaints to the Department.
  • Providers must document that the locations where services are intended to be provided are in compliance with all local laws and regulations, to include zoning ordinances.

We believe that notice to localities and an opportunity for localities to comment, similar to the process for Department approval for providers seeking to operate a brick-and-mortar location, is important in ensuring that localities are aware of planned service sites and able to point out potential problems or concerns.  We also strongly support a requirement for providers to document compliance of mobile medication-assisted treatment program site locations with local laws and regulations, to include zoning ordinances.  We encourage the Department to formalize these planned implementation requirements by including them in the proposed regulations or otherwise documenting them in a manner that ensures that providers and localities are aware of these requirements prior to undertaking any planning to offer mobile services.

Thank you for your consideration of our perspective.


Dean A. Lynch, CAE

Executive Director

CommentID: 228161