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Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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8/29/24  11:34 am
Commenter: Steven

Home and community based services medicaid waivers

This have been very stressful for families like mine, we have a disabled daughter who needs constant supervision because of her issues. Changes recently have made life stressful, these people working on behalf of the state for agencies like Keypro are incompetent. They don't visit our child they don't understand her condition or needs and somehow their remote doctors and nurses living out of state think they know more than my child's physician who sees her face to face. They are a complete disgrace, why is the state using them to harass disabled children's families and make there lives more difficult. 

We are struggling and we need support. Parents should certainly be allowed to be paid caregivers, if one of them has to stay home to care for a loved one with a difficult condition. It's almost impossible to find competent reliable caregivers at the rates allowed, it's hard work and it's difficult to find people who can are are willing to do it. And when it comes to small children or others who cannot communicate very effectively it becomes a safety concern. There should not be a 40 hour limit on LRI attendants it should be higher maybe 60 hour limit if any limit at all. LRI consumers should not be stripped of Respite. 

There seems to be a push to make things harder for community based service providers and toward companies like KeyPro, that's a huge mistake. Community Based Services are much closer to those who need services and better understand the needs and challenges of those in need. Keypro and others have been absolutely horrible to deal with, they are remote and don't understand needs, don't know those in need or the families. Degree requirements make filling positions difficult at allowed rates this needs to be fixed. Degrees are not needed and place undue burden requirements, and are not a reliable measure of ability or productivity. 


CommentID: 227489