People are claiming that when residents don't inform clients that they are under supervision it causes harm to the client and that if residents are allowed to bill clients directly, it will increase this harm. Aside from these claims being completely offensive to a resident's integrity and completely dismissive of the fact that residents, generally, aren't irresponsible, unprofessional children, there's just no evidence to support these claims. I reviewed ALL of the DHP case decisions for the past 5 years (feel free to review them yourself - they are available to the public on DHP's website) and found zero cases involving residents who caused harm as a result of not informing their clients of their residency status. I did, however, find several cases that are far more appalling which has caused ACTUAL harm to clients. Here are my findings:
Finalized Case Decisions From The Past 5 years (08/16/2018 to 08/16/2024 ) (with duplicate records removed): Total Cases = 66 | LPC/LMFT = 51 | Residents = 15
1. Inappropriate dual sexual relationship with client(s) - 15 LPC/LMFT | 7 Residents
2. Falsely claimed to have completed required CE hours at license renewal - 11 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
3. Inappropriate dual social relationship with client(s) - 4 LPC/LMFT | 3 Residents
4. Convicted of separate crime causing surrender of license - 5 LPC/LMFT | 2 Residents
5. Fraudulent billing practices - 4 LPC/LMFT | 1 Resident
6. Payment failure to renew license - 1 LPC/LMFT | 2 Residents
7. Inability to support a given disability diagnosis - 2 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
8. Shared confidential information without client consent - 2 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
9. Refused to release client mental health records - 2 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
10. Absences/lateness causing harm to clients - 1 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
11. Physical abuse of a minor client - 1 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
12. Therapist had neurocognitive issues - 1 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
13. Accidentally sent an offensive message to a client about the client - 1 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
14. Failure to report sexual abuse of a minor client - 1 LPC/LMFT | 0 Residents
Again, there have been zero cases in the past 5 years involving residents causing harm because they didn't inform clients of their residency status. Considering the nature of the client harm that has actually occurred over the past 5 years, why are we focusing on some kind of illusional harm to clients simply because they weren't properly informed about a clinician's residency status? What's the real harm that's being caused by this? As someone else stated, at the end of the day, "If a client is not satisfied with services, they have every right to stop." The approval/denial of this petition should not depend on a hollow concept that 1) makes no sense, and 2) has no evidence to support it. Allowing residents to bill their clients directly has numerous benefits (which have been thoroughly outlined in the comments) and only ONE drawback - practices profiting off of residents will lose money.