Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
Barbering and Cosmetology Regulations [18 VAC 41 ‑ 20]
Action Lower Cosmetology Training to 1,000 Hours
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 7/3/2024
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6/27/24  2:14 pm
Commenter: Nikki Coleman

Hour Reduction and Curriculum Additions

As a licensed cosmetology instructor, with more than 13 years of experience in this field of education. It does not make any sense as to WHY, we are now going to lower the hour requirement to become a cosmetologist, but increase and drastically change the things required to be taught that are not currently a part of the curriculum, with things like specialty skin care services, such as  extractions, electrical facials, eyelash perming, threading, body hair lightening,shaving, etc.  These items belong in a totally different category, like barbering and the esthetician world.

Adding these additional items seems to also eliminate the need for estheticians and barbers. If they go away then you will have an influx of people wanting to get licensed and fitting all of that into one cosmetology program will not be sufficient hours wise..

To reduce the hours and add in new items, that we as licensed instructors do not practice, because it is not currently in our curriculum. It seems that we are on the road to minimizing or lessening the cosmetology professions worth.  A guest would prefer go to a licensed stylist to receive services, because that have been taught and test in the profession, by licensed and experienced instructors that focus on the skills, sanitation and even their soft skills with how to consult, address any sanitation concerns. This has been expressed  by guest that currently come to a cosmetology school to receive services that are supervised, by professionals.  A learning environment  led by licensed and experienced instructors, is a great way to set the example for future cosmetologist, to perform in a safe and controlled environment, so when they are licensed, there is some 

Cosmetology school does not take up much of your time, it can be less than a year. And to earn a license/certificate in that amount of time is doable.  For the safety and sanity of the public, i do not think we should be reducing the hours and adding in NEW information that we currently do not know as a cosmetology instructor and expecting a quality education/outcome.


CommentID: 226097