Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/2/22  3:37 pm
Commenter: Angela Hamilton

Please keep the virtual visits

The virtual visits work.  They also allow for flexibility in scheduling, do not interrupt the household schedule and allow you to meet the needs of your other children and their extracurricular activities.  Having someone intrude into your home to check on a child who no one needed to check on the first 17 years of her life because we had resources that negated her receiving services she truly needed.  But now because she is adult, someone has to physically come see that I am taking good care of her, it’s a farce and a waste of time and resources that would be better used actually paying for more service hours for these individuals.

CommentID: 206479