To Whom It May Concern,
The COVID vaccine is widely available to all who choose to get vaccinated. Parents can currently choose to have their children vaccinated if they would like to do so. At this point, most of our children have had it at least once, and maybe 2-3 times. CoVID is not like other diseases that required vaccination (of children) in the past. Let’s learn from what we have experienced over the last couple of years and not repeat mistakes of over-reach, especially as it removes the right of parents to make health and medical choices for their children which could devolve into a nightmare for public schools across the country. We appreciate that Loudoun County has our children’s well-being in mind, but no more so than the parents of those very same children. When we know better, we do better. When we gain knowledge, then we need to make sound decisions based on that knowledge. We (as parents) will always choose in the best interests of our children (and ALL children) and this choice must be preserved. Thank you for listening!