Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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11/23/22  8:19 am
Commenter: LKS, Concerned Parent in Chesterfield

NO TO ALL COVID-19 SHOTS for our Children

The CDC has been compromised and strongly influenced by big pHARMa. The constant and terrifying incoming stories of adverse effects from the Covid 19 shots have been negligently suppressed at all levels of receiving needed health information. By putting this on the immunization schedule we are insuring Virginia’s children to either premature death or a future heavily relying on big pHARMa and our medical facilities for a virus that most children can quickly overcome and build future immunities on their own. Please say NO to the CDC’s recommendation for the yearly three Covid-19 shots immunization for children through 18 years of age. Our Children are precious and our future. Please just say NO!! 

CommentID: 206028