Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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11/21/22  5:39 pm
Commenter: Elizabeth


As a Virginia resident, mother of two children and tax payer, I implore you to NOT add the Covid FAILED and NOT fully tested shot to the Virginia Childhood Vaccination schedule. The more information that is NOT suppressed that comes out shows very clearly that this shot has caused more harm than help, does not prevent the spread, getting or even getting very sick from Covid-19. There are also some more detrimental impacts that are horrifying - sharp increase in myocarditis, increase in getting RSV, increase in menstrual cycle changes and potential increase in risks of infertility and even stillbirth. What could go wrong - PLENTY. It is time to truly follow the science and acknowledge that the rollout of the Moderna, Pfizer and J and J Covid-19 vaccinations was failed, caused undo and unjust harm upon millions and must never be condoned through the placement of this shot in the childhood schedule. The LIVES of millions of children are at stake - many do not know the risks of this particular shot and will simply get it. Additionally, the addition of this experimental and now failed vaccine will solidify and justify further medical discrimination that wise parents and their dear children have faced. 

Thank you for doing the right thing and protecting children and their families from undo harm. 

CommentID: 205858