I am the parent of twins. My wife and I are the ones responsible for raising our children and determining what values we want to instill among all other things. The public school system should have a primary concern for education. COVID revealed that is not the case. It is abhorrent to me the extent that commonsense and actual data and knowledge did not direct the actions of the school systems. It is clear that I cannot trust the Virginia school system or teachers to make good decisions. And, they shouldn't have to worry about that when it comes to my child's name, what sex they are, what sex or gender they would like to be, or any number of non-academic things that the prior policy put on their plate. That is my responsibility and I do not relinquish my parental rights when I send my child to school. Public education is a public good and I think it is a good thing. At least it served me well (although it was in another state). Reading, writing, math, languages, science, drama, music, physical education, computers, and perhaps some other academic areas are things the teachers should be concerned with. And those things should be transparent to me as a parent. Chesapeake has made a system that is fragmented and at odds with itself and makes it difficult for me to monitor and assist my children. I definitely do not want or need or authorize them to advocate for my child, without consulting me or informing me, over social or legal issues like gender and gender roles. They definitely should not be advocating social or political issues. Discussions, debate, research, comparisons can all be worthwhile, but not advocacy. Leave parenting to parents and adopt the new policy.