Appendix 1, (D)(6) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (4) of this section, [School Division] shall not compel [School Division] personnel or other students to address or refer to students in any manner that would violate their constitutionally protected rights.
The parent should ask...
Is this saying that I can’t compel a teacher to call my child by their preferred pronoun because the teacher’s first amendment rights, and in this case their personal ideological beliefs, take precedent over mine as a parent? So, if a teacher’s religious belief is that females are subservient to males, then we, the parents, don’t have the right to expect that the teacher treats our female children equally to our male children because that expectation violates the teacher's personal religious beliefs? Does this by extension also allow teachers to practice their first amendment free speech by asserting their ideological beliefs on my child in the classroom? I thought we are trying to take ideological beliefs out of the classroom.
From my teacher perspective...
By supporting this provision, you have just given my ideological beliefs precedent over your child's and by extension those of you the parent. If my religious beliefs see females as subservient to males, then you can’t compel me treat your female child equally to my male students because it is against my personal religious beliefs and being forced to do so violates my constitutionally protected rights. It may seem sweet when it favors your personal ideological beliefs, but it can easily turn against you. As an educator, best practice in the classroom is to keep my ideological beliefs to myself. Do you agree? If so, oppose this nonsense.