Though I understand the importance of mining and other industrial activities, we must balance the need for the resources (best controlled by We The People) with the dangers that they impose, both immediate and ESPECIALLY long term.
While a large, foreign mining operation can turn their back on the damage they have done, most regulations have proven too lax, particularly in fiscal responsibility for the large corporations, We Virginia's and Our families are stuck with the repercussions of THEIR activities and the care less, sometimes willfully corrupt, hand played by local, State, and Federal agencies tasked with protecting US and the land and resources.
A thorough and comprehensive accessment of past mining failures, inadequacy of laws/statues, and failed attempts at successful remediation must be completed to ensure that the mining companies are paying for ALL risks/costs and their profit margins are NOT recklessly padded at the expense of We The People of Virginia.
I am against mining operations without a thorough and complete overhaul of mining regulations and processes. We only have one Earth to live on and must do Our best to protect it!