Action Summary | The Regulation for Open Burning is intended to meet three goals: 1) to protect public health and welfare with the least possible cost and intrusiveness to the citizens and businesses of the Commonwealth; 2) to reduce VOC emissions in Virginia's ozone nonattainment areas to facilitate the attainment and maintenance of the air quality standards; and 3) to require that open burning be conducted in a manner as to prevent the release of air pollutants. The purpose of the planned action is to revise the regulation as needed to efficiently and effectively meet its goals while avoiding unreasonable hardships on the regulated community, the department, and the general public. |
Chapters Affected | Only affects this chapter. |
Executive Branch Review | This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process. |
RIS Project | Yes [003200] |
Result of Prior Periodic Review Filed | 1/23/2012 |
New Periodic Review | This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review. |
Name / Title: | Megan Joyce |
Address: |
1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400 P.O. Box 1105 Richmond, VA 23218 |
Email Address: | |
Phone: | (804)592-8191 FAX: ()- TDD: ()- |