Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Rules, Regulations, and Rates Concerning Toll and Bridge Facilities [24 VAC 30 ‑ 620]
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Revision to Toll Rate for Dulles Toll Road
Action 1709
General Information
Action Summary Amends regulation to revise rates for Dulles Toll Road,updates obsolete references, and amends personnel titles eligible to suspend tolls.
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This Action is exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act. The normal executive branch review process is not required. As such, it can be submitted directly for publication and is effective upon publication.
Exempt Citation: 2.2-4006 A 1
RIS Project No project yet assigned to this action
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
3104 Final Attorney General review in progress.
Contact Information
Name / Title: David Caudill  / Division Administrator
Address: Tolling Div.
Washington Bldg., 1100 Bank St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
Phone: (804)786-2454    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-

This person is the primary contact for this chapter.