Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Regulatory Activity
Actions Underway Petitions for Rulemaking Legislative Mandates Periodic Reviews General Notices
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Showing: 26 petitions for the Board of Pharmacy.
Board Date Title Result Stage
Board of Pharmacy 04/11/2024 Addition of kratom to Schedule I Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 08/30/2021 Administration of vaccines by pharmacy technicians Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 12/28/2015 Authority for pharmacist to exercise clinical judgment Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 03/09/2009 Automated devices for dispensing drugs in hospitals Initiate a regulatory change Fast-Track
Board of Pharmacy 05/27/2011 Automated dispensing devices in hospitals Initiate a regulatory change Final
Board of Pharmacy 01/21/2012 Changes to requirement for orders for medical equipment suppliers Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 07/15/2020 Changes to requirements for pharmaceutical processors Initiate a regulatory change
Board of Pharmacy 12/12/2013 Coupons for dispensing prescriptions Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 11/27/2006 Deletion of CE requirement for pharmacy technician Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 05/06/2021 Delivery of Schedule VI drugs to be placed in automated dispensing devices Initiate a regulatory change Proposed
Board of Pharmacy 02/23/2021 Dispensing of Schedule II drugs Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 05/06/2016 Dispensing of Schedule VI drugs Initiate a regulatory change Final
Board of Pharmacy 07/27/2007 Emergency drug box Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 03/14/2006 Experience of foreign pharmacists Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 02/02/2018 Extend retention of records Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 07/16/2003 Refilling of scheduled drugs Initiate a regulatory change Final
Board of Pharmacy 04/02/2020 Remote order processing by technicians Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 05/17/2010 Requirement for filing prescription Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 08/24/2007 Requirement for non-resident pharmacy to remotely process a prescription Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 10/25/2011 Rescheduling of Tetrahydro-cannibol from Schedule I to Schedule II for medical use Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 12/31/2015 Revision to pharmacist check in hospitals Take no action
Board of Pharmacy 09/28/2017 Unique identifier on prescription labels Initiate a regulatory change
Board of Pharmacy 12/09/2015 Use of a back-up pharmacy for long term care services Initiate a regulatory change
Board of Pharmacy 02/22/2022 Use of automated dispensing systems exclusively stocked with emergency or stat-drug kits Initiate a regulatory change Proposed
Board of Pharmacy 07/15/2016 Use of electronic devices in lieu of emergency or stat-box kits in long-term care faciilties for initial doses Initiate a regulatory change Final
Board of Pharmacy 02/22/2012 Working conditions for pharmacists Initiate a regulatory change Final