Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Regulatory Activity
Actions Underway Petitions for Rulemaking Legislative Mandates Periodic Reviews General Notices
Showing: 8 actions/stages currently being created, amended, or repealed for the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Where the stage type is Emergency,Emergency/NOIRA,Fast-Track,NOIRA,Proposed,Final
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Board Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Chapter Action / Stage Information
Regulations for Enforcement of the Virginia Tree and Crop Pests Law - Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 336]
Action: Repeal of 2 VAC 5-336
Stage: Fast-Track - Register Date: 2/10/25 
Rules and Regulations for the Enforcement of the Virginia Commercial Feed Law
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 360]
Action: Addition of dietary fiber to pet food label requirements
Stage: NOIRA - Register Date: 3/10/25 
Rules and Regulations for the Enforcement of the Virginia Seed Law
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 390]
Action: Amendments to Establish a Minimum Germination Rate for Cotton Seed
Stage: Proposed - Register Date: 12/16/24 
Regulations for Tradespersons Installing Invasive Plant Species
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 455]
Action: Promulgate regulations governing the installation of invasive plant species by tradespersons in Virginia
Stage: Proposed - Register Date: 2/10/25 
Rules and Regulations Governing the Production, Processing, and Sale of Ice Cream, Frozen Desserts, and Similar Products
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 510]
Action: Amendments to update regulation to provide clarification and remove duplication
Stage: Fast-Track - Register Date: 12/30/24 
Retail Food Establishment Regulations
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 585]
Action: Amendments to Align Regulation with 2022 FDA Food Code
Stage: Fast-Track - Register Date: 12/30/24 
Regulations Governing Pesticide Applicator Certification Under Authority of Virginia Pesticide Control Act
[2 VAC 5 ‑ 685]
Action: Conformance with EPA pesticide applicator standards
Stage: NOIRA - Register Date: 3/25/24 
Board Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Charitable Gaming
Chapter Action / Stage Information
Charitable Gaming Regulations
[11 VAC 20 ‑ 20]
Action: Amendments to reflect changes made to the Charitable Gaming Law in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024
Stage: NOIRA - Register Date: 4/7/25 
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