Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Psychology
Public Comment Forum

General Notice: New guidance document on conversion therapy

CLOSED     Opened on 2/18/2019 and Ended on 3/20/2019

The Board is providing guidance on its interpretation of a standard of conduct in regulation that psychologists must avoid harm to patients by citing professional sources stating that practicing conversion therapy/sexual orientation change efforts with minors has the potential to be harmful and therefore could result in a finding of misconduct and disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant of the Board.

For text of guidance, see guidance document 125-9 under the Board of Psychology

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Comment Title Commenter
Protect kids from harmful "treatment" Katherine M Scott  3/20/19  11:59 pm
Leave no room for a ‘Good intentions’ defense Robyn E. Deane  3/20/19  11:56 pm
Conversion Therapy Lois Hed  3/20/19  11:47 pm
Gay conversion therapy Lea Booth, Student at William and Mary  3/20/19  11:45 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Erika Joyner  3/20/19  11:33 pm
Ban conversion therapy Melissa McKenney  3/20/19  11:32 pm
Hold therapists to the standard of their profession Susan Essman  3/20/19  11:28 pm
Stop conversion therapy Alexander Ramos Wallace  3/20/19  11:16 pm
Stop Conversion Therapy! Linda Allen  3/20/19  11:11 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Jack Zhang  3/20/19  11:01 pm
Conversion therapy is harmful Chris DeRosa  3/20/19  10:53 pm
Don't Torture Children William Moncure  3/20/19  10:48 pm
Why not support them and not try to "convert" them? Krista Robinson  3/20/19  10:43 pm
End the Inhumane Torture of LGBTQ+ Youth Kenny Boddye, Boddye for Supervisor  3/20/19  10:37 pm
Ban Conversion therapy M. Taylor  3/20/19  10:33 pm
Conversion isn’t therapy Juliet Hiznay  3/20/19  10:30 pm
Protect our children Zoe Tighe  3/20/19  10:26 pm
Protect our Youth, Protect our LGBT children Evelyn BruMar  3/20/19  10:09 pm
Please Disallow so-called “conversion therapy “ Margaret Sacra MEd  3/20/19  10:05 pm
For Freedom: Keep Counseling Reality-Based D. Daughtry, private citizen  3/20/19  9:57 pm
Ban “Conversion Therepy” SUZANNE Wieringo  3/20/19  9:56 pm
Conversion therapy is harmful Amanda Powell  3/20/19  9:56 pm
Not Theraputic MH  3/20/19  9:56 pm
Ban conversion “therapy” Marilyn Matula  3/20/19  9:55 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy. Debbie Longest  3/20/19  9:47 pm
Conversion “therapy” is abuse. Season  3/20/19  9:33 pm
Conversion therapy is harmful. Jessie  3/20/19  9:21 pm
A Client's Right Doris Dippel  3/20/19  9:20 pm
Honoring the Gift of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression Rev. Joe Cobb, Vice Mayor, City of Roanoke, VA  3/20/19  9:15 pm
Don’t prescribe licensed counselors David Pegram  3/20/19  9:01 pm
Sexual orientation conversion therapy Anne M. Thompson  3/20/19  8:55 pm
Stop conversion therapy! Arlene Butler, LCSW  3/20/19  8:54 pm
End this dangerous practice and ban conversion therapy. Nichole Hayes, New Leaders Council Virginia  3/20/19  8:53 pm
gender therapies Tracy Hundley  3/20/19  8:51 pm
Why would this ever be legal? Jon Margolick  3/20/19  8:48 pm
Please ban Conversion "Therapy" Chris Morse McClure, Life Transitions Counseling  3/20/19  8:47 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Rachel Kubin  3/20/19  8:43 pm
Conversion Therapy needs to be banned. Christina Gateley  3/20/19  8:30 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Catherine Calletto  3/20/19  8:20 pm
Ban conversion therapy Michelle Sams, LCSW  3/20/19  8:18 pm
Support for Guidance Document 125-9 Charles Bright  3/20/19  8:13 pm
NO to Conversion Therapy Mary Lib Morgan  3/20/19  8:13 pm
Ban conversion therapy Anna K  3/20/19  8:12 pm
Ban conversion therapy! First do no harm! Neelam Ahmed  3/20/19  8:10 pm
Please ban conversion therapy and help save teens' lives. Wendy Baird , MSW  3/20/19  8:03 pm
Conversion therapy is cruel and psychologically damages children. Michelle Bayliss  3/20/19  7:59 pm
Don't punish counselors Deplorable NOVA  3/20/19  7:56 pm
Absolutely no to conversion therapy Damia Browder  3/20/19  7:56 pm
Protect kids from conversion “therapy” June Keller  3/20/19  7:53 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Katie Richter  3/20/19  7:53 pm
It is not Conversion Therapy - It is affirming biological realities concerning Male and Female Matt  3/20/19  7:49 pm
Ban Conversion “therapy” Liza Cobbs  3/20/19  7:44 pm
Ban it! P.Wright  3/20/19  7:43 pm
Ban conversion therapy Elizabeth Williams  3/20/19  7:36 pm
No to conversion therapy Geneva Cleveland  3/20/19  7:33 pm
Ban conversion therapy! Ann Moscato  3/20/19  7:32 pm
Conversion therapy is torture, and a shameful thing to have on this earth! Courtney  3/20/19  7:25 pm
Conversion Therapy is Egregious Cory Gerwe , LGBT Life center  3/20/19  7:14 pm
Homosexuality is not a DSM diagnosis J.Bar  3/20/19  7:11 pm
Conversion "Therapy" is Abuse! Michelle Randall  3/20/19  7:09 pm
Ban conversion therapy!!!! Elissa  3/20/19  7:08 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy! Katherine Helm  3/20/19  7:04 pm Donna Burgess  3/20/19  7:01 pm
please ban this harmful conversion therapy. Johnny Jones  3/20/19  6:59 pm
conversion therapy Debbie Berg, RD, CDE  3/20/19  6:58 pm
Please ban conversion therapy Mickey Drummond  3/20/19  6:54 pm
Ban cover soon therapy Lara Adcock  3/20/19  6:50 pm
Convertion therapy is harmful and inhumane. D. George  3/20/19  6:45 pm
Please Ban Conversion Therapy S. Morris  3/20/19  6:41 pm
Conversion therapy can be helpful Mary Ann Suddarth  3/20/19  6:35 pm
Conversion therapy is unethical and abusive Megan Challender  3/20/19  6:27 pm
Ban so-called "conversion therapy" Douglas P Reimel  3/20/19  6:27 pm
Ban conversion therapy Caroline Wade  3/20/19  6:25 pm
Conversion therapy is a human rights violation Catherine Dufault  3/20/19  6:23 pm
Don't let loud voices for cruelty drown out broad scientific consensus and compassion. Evan Lee  3/20/19  6:20 pm
Conversion therapy is dangerous and inhumane. Michelle Black  3/20/19  6:14 pm
Conversion Therapy is cruel and dangerous for kids. Julie Palian  3/20/19  6:13 pm
Conversion therapy is abusive! No sane, humane, or competent therapist would perform it. Suzanne Greenwald  3/20/19  6:13 pm
Problems with banning conversion therapy R.Dowty  3/20/19  6:06 pm
Conversion Therapy is NOT a free speech issue - it is harmful Chrystal Doyle, RN and Family NP Student  3/20/19  6:05 pm
Conversion therapy is dangerous Allison Finseth  3/20/19  6:01 pm
Back Science, Not Fantasy David Sforza  3/20/19  5:59 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy G - Former Conversion Therapy Victim  3/20/19  5:59 pm
Please support our LGBTQ neighbors & friends with a forceful BAN on this ‘therapy’! Herschell Emery, First Congregational Church, Chesterfield VA  3/20/19  5:52 pm
Conversion Therapy is Harmful -- and Antithetical to the Hippocratic Oath Dan Edwards, Ph.D.  3/20/19  5:37 pm
Conversion Therapy is Horrible Chris Fury, DPVA Central Committee Member  3/20/19  5:27 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Sojourna Cunningham  3/20/19  5:21 pm
Conversion Therapy is Medical Malpractice Donna Cywinski  3/20/19  5:21 pm
No conversion therapy Stephen Jones  3/20/19  5:05 pm
Don't Prohibit Biologically Affirming Counseling Todd Gathje, Ph.D., The Family Foundation  3/20/19  4:57 pm
Anti-queer policies and practices harm and kill. Ban conversion therapy. Rev. Seth Wispelwey, United Church of Christ  3/20/19  4:46 pm
Please Ban Conversion Therapy Kimberly Phillips  3/20/19  4:40 pm
Desist this Unlawful Prior Restraint on Speech Josh Hetzler, Legislative Counsel at The Family Foundation  3/20/19  4:37 pm
Please ban so-called “conversion therapy" for those under 18 Jay Timmons  3/20/19  4:34 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban EN  3/20/19  4:24 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Chelsea Broderick  3/20/19  4:22 pm
Ban conversion"therapy" Ann Granger  3/20/19  4:10 pm
Conversion Therapy is morally wrong David Pratt, Indivisible Winchester  3/20/19  4:06 pm
Conversion "Therapy" is WRONG Adrienne Schreiber  3/20/19  4:05 pm
Conversion therapy is not humane Allison Baker  3/20/19  4:04 pm
Sic Semper Tyrannis. Let Freedom of Therapy reign. Laura I ller  3/20/19  4:01 pm
This is brain washing. Jessica Gray  3/20/19  3:49 pm
Conversion therapy harms the patient Eileen Secrest  3/20/19  3:48 pm
Ban conversion therapy MARK STANLEY  3/20/19  3:43 pm
The Trevor Project Supports Guidance Document 125-9 Casey Pick, The Trevor Project  3/20/19  3:42 pm
Conversion Therapy is harmful Angela P. Callahan, Serenity Counseling LLC  3/20/19  3:40 pm
Conversion Torture Leslie Rubio  3/20/19  3:34 pm
Ban conversion therapy J Thomas  3/20/19  3:19 pm
Conversion “Therapy” is Abuse Rachel Baker  3/20/19  3:11 pm
What Do You Oppose? Sean Timothy Maguire  3/20/19  3:05 pm
Conversation Therapy is dangerous Hillary Embry  3/20/19  3:01 pm
Leave. People. Alone! J. Koch  3/20/19  2:57 pm
That we're even discussing conversion therapy in the 21st century is morally abhorrent Robert Steven Penczak  3/20/19  2:49 pm
Conversion "Therapy" is Not a Legitimate Therapeutic Practice Kathleen Mullen  3/20/19  2:46 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Sam Conlin, Virginia Tech  3/20/19  2:39 pm
NO MORE conversion therapy! Kristina R Granger  3/20/19  2:38 pm
Ban conversion therapy Lucy Dowell-Wiltshire  3/20/19  2:35 pm
Protect our vulnerable youth and ban the abusive practice of "conversion therapy" Aleta E. Strickland, Ed.S., NCSP, Louisa Psychological Consulting, PC  3/20/19  2:34 pm
Ban Conversion « Therapy » Peggy Moore  3/20/19  2:31 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Lisa Fleming  3/20/19  2:29 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Graham Weinschenk, Virginia Young Democrats  3/20/19  2:19 pm
Do not restrict freedom, do not restrict conversation therapy Greg Mayyette  3/20/19  2:16 pm
Counselors Mary Williams  3/20/19  2:06 pm
Parents don't have the right to harm their children A Hendershot  3/20/19  2:04 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy. Protect our Youth Mary Knisley  3/20/19  1:59 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Candace Gray  3/20/19  1:55 pm
Ban conversion therapy. L Kennedy  3/20/19  1:52 pm
Please ban conversion therapy Ellen Rolen  3/20/19  1:48 pm
Support for Guidance Document 125-9, on the Practice of Conversion Therapy Andrew W Smith  3/20/19  1:45 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Victoria McGovern  3/20/19  1:42 pm
Ban conversion therapy P Arora  3/20/19  1:38 pm
Conversion Therapy Sue Kenny  3/20/19  1:38 pm
I support the ban on coversion therapy Patrick Healy  3/20/19  1:35 pm
Conversion Therapy is Unethical J Lamp  3/20/19  1:34 pm
Please ban conversion therapy Dolores Fitzgerald  3/20/19  1:34 pm
Ban conversion therapy Vonni stamp  3/20/19  1:29 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy MK Gregory  3/20/19  1:24 pm
Please follow the science Mark Blacknell  3/20/19  1:22 pm
Conversion therapy is a lie. Brian Pace  3/20/19  1:18 pm
Variance in Sexual Orientation is Not a Mental Disorder Luke W. Priddy,  3/20/19  1:17 pm
I support the ban on conversion therapy Micah Morris  3/20/19  1:17 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Rich Welshans  3/20/19  1:10 pm
Ban Conversions Therapy Jessica Camarena  3/20/19  1:09 pm
Please uphold the state's responsibility to ensure that care providers FIRST, DO NO HARM. Alisha Keirstead  3/20/19  1:08 pm
Conversion Therapy is harmful Dr. Kate Croson  3/20/19  12:52 pm
Unethical and harmful Jennifer Wiggins  3/20/19  12:50 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Luke Mundo  3/20/19  12:46 pm
Conversion Therapy is Child Abuse Steven Marku  3/20/19  12:23 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY K Schenker  3/20/19  12:21 pm
Conversion Therapy should be BANNED Hannah E Freeman  3/20/19  12:18 pm
Conversion therapy Patrick Dolan  3/20/19  12:17 pm
Unethical & Harmful Spencer Fox  3/20/19  12:13 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Barbra Stanley  3/20/19  12:12 pm
Conversion Therapy is Ineffective and Dangerous Joel McDonald, Affirmation LGBTQ Mormons, Families & Friends  3/20/19  12:11 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy M.J. Sadler  3/20/19  12:11 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Amber Yancey  3/20/19  12:09 pm
Ban harmful, unethical, and unscientific conversion therapy Ngiste Abebe, New Leaders Council Virginia  3/20/19  12:05 pm
Conversion therapy is abuse James Millner, Virginia Pride  3/20/19  11:58 am
Conversion Therapy Suzanne Nadeau  3/20/19  11:57 am
End Conversion Therapy Amy Wentz  3/20/19  11:53 am
ban conversion "therapy". It actively harms people David Barr  3/20/19  11:52 am
Please protect Virginia's kids from harmful "therapy" Josh Israel  3/20/19  11:48 am
No Conversion Therapy Jennessa Agnew  3/20/19  11:44 am
NO to conversion therapy Candace Graham  3/20/19  11:43 am
Conversion Therapy Caryll-Ann Schenker  3/20/19  11:43 am
Freedom of Therapy Jacqueline Lynch  3/20/19  11:37 am
Support Guidance Doc. 125-9/ Ban Conversion Therapy By Supporting Our Youth As They Are Amy Latalladi-Fulton, Proud Virginian  3/20/19  11:35 am
No to conversion therapy. Erin Paula can Beveren  3/20/19  11:35 am
Conversion therapy is abusive and should be an illegal practice Mackenzie  3/20/19  11:33 am
Ban Conversion Therapy Kathryn Haines  3/20/19  11:32 am
Conversion therapy Elisabet Michaaelsen  3/20/19  11:27 am
Please ban conversion therapy! Katherine Drummond  3/20/19  11:23 am
Ban Conversion therapy    3/20/19  11:22 am
Please Ban Conversion Therapy Sabina  3/20/19  11:21 am
Conversion Therapy Amy Cannon  3/20/19  11:10 am
Conversion therapy should absolutely be banned! It's extremely harmful. Murph  3/20/19  11:08 am
Oppose Guidance Document (125-9) Jeffrey F. Caruso, Virginia Catholic Conference  3/20/19  11:07 am
Children need love and support - Yes on Guidance Document 125-9 Steve Baker  3/20/19  10:50 am
Stop intentionally harming kids Caitlin Keefe  3/20/19  10:47 am
Conversion Therapy is Traumatic Joanne Goodwin  3/20/19  10:43 am
Ban conversion therapy. Love is love. #rowanshurricane #aidensfire Hillary Gerson  3/20/19  10:31 am
These practices are inhuman and unethical Kayla Loper  3/20/19  10:30 am
Conversion therapy is dangerous Dawn M. Adams DNP, ANP-BC Delegate Virginia Assembly  3/20/19  10:25 am
Conversion Therapy is child abuse Joe Rincione  3/20/19  10:19 am
Protect Viewpoint Freedom Shelley Fleming  3/20/19  10:18 am
Conversion "therapy" is a form of child abuse, and hardly therapeutic. Drew-Marie Lewis  3/20/19  10:13 am
Ban conversion therapy (aka: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Change Efforts) Karla EIsen MSW MPH  3/20/19  10:11 am
Conversion therapy helps people fulfill their wish to leave tha abusive Gay life style. Rickie carter  3/20/19  10:09 am
Ban Harmful Conversion “Therapy” Sandra Tobias  3/20/19  10:02 am
Ban Conversion Therapy jennifer oboyle  3/20/19  9:57 am
Ban Harmful Conversion "Therapy" Melissa Benn, DC Rollergirls  3/20/19  9:44 am
Love one another Alex Sprague  3/20/19  9:43 am
Conversion Therapy Cynthia Williams  3/20/19  9:42 am
Conversion Therapy is Torture Mara Sherman  3/20/19  9:42 am
Ban Conversion Therapy in Virginia Alexsis Rodgers, Virginia Young Democrats  3/20/19  9:41 am
Conversion therapy is wrong Sylvia Owens  3/20/19  9:38 am
Oppose Guidance Document (125-9) Jeff Caruso  3/20/19  9:35 am
Conversion Therapy is Abuse! Lindsay Donovan  3/20/19  9:32 am
State Sponsored Child Abuse? Sandy Marks  3/20/19  9:30 am
Science clearly supports the banning of "conversion therapy" Helen Rich, PhD Candidate  3/20/19  9:26 am
Conversion Therapy is good Jerry Akers  3/20/19  9:09 am
Ban Harmful Conversion Therapy Crystal Schubert  3/20/19  9:07 am
Ban Conversion Therapy Alex Weathersby  3/20/19  9:07 am
Ban Conversion Therapy for good! Nancy Blethen  3/20/19  9:06 am
Conversion Therapy is Child Abuse Delegate Mark Levine  3/20/19  8:53 am
Ban conversion therapy Kelly Gotschalk  3/20/19  8:49 am
Ban conversion therapy Annora Borden  3/20/19  8:47 am
Ban Conversion Therapy Kathy Gonzales  3/20/19  8:46 am
Conversion Therapy is Child Abuse Erin Coe  3/20/19  8:41 am
Conversion therapy is not based on science Jane Louie  3/20/19  8:29 am
Conversion therapy Sharon Custer-Boggess  3/20/19  8:24 am
A psychiatrist tried to “cure” me when I was age 14. Alan Batson  3/20/19  8:17 am
Stop Directing Conversion Therapy through Legislation Curtis Cornell, RN, MSN  3/20/19  8:16 am
Please Ban Conversion "Therapy" Laura Welfare, Virginia Tech  3/20/19  7:58 am
Conversion Therapy Gail Christie  3/20/19  7:49 am
"Conversion" therapy is harmful Margaret DeTar-Lavallee  3/20/19  7:43 am
Conversion Therapy Debby Porter  3/20/19  7:23 am
Conversion “therapy” Anna-Marie York  3/20/19  7:16 am
Ban this insane therapy! Gaetan Desombre  3/20/19  7:13 am
Re: Conversion Therapy Virginia Tech Counselor Education and Supervision  3/20/19  7:08 am
Conversion Therapy Shawn Senning  3/20/19  7:02 am
Ban all conversion therapy Carol Schall, VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY AUTISM CENTER FOR EXCELLENCE  3/20/19  7:01 am
Conversion therapy is abuse Chris  3/20/19  6:54 am
Conversion Therapy is Immoral Stair Calhoun, Network NoVA  3/20/19  6:51 am
Conversion therapy is dangerous and discredited. Amanda Farnum  3/20/19  6:27 am
Conversion Therapy is detrimental to society Cheralyn Potts  3/20/19  6:24 am
Conversion Therapy has no place in civilization Darren Di Battista  3/20/19  6:15 am
Suppprt for Ban of conversion therapy Christy Cundiff, LPC, Roanoke County Schools  3/20/19  6:11 am
wrongheaded ban on "conversion therapy" Stephanie Seely  3/20/19  5:44 am
Ban conversion therapy Theresa Rittmann,  3/20/19  5:25 am
Ban conversion therapy Tara Moscopulos  3/20/19  1:44 am
Conversion therapy Cheryl Johnson  3/20/19  12:51 am
Ban conversion therapy Amanda  3/20/19  12:27 am
Support of Conversion “Therapy” Ban Patricia Boland, EdS Retired School Psychologist  3/20/19  12:07 am
Supporting VA Conversion Therapy Ban John Harrichand, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education  3/19/19  11:40 pm
Ban conversion therapy! Monica  3/19/19  11:30 pm
All People Should Be Protected From Conversion Therapy Chere Vincent  3/19/19  11:24 pm
conversion therapy kills people Ron Yahil  3/19/19  11:21 pm
Conversion therapy useless and harmful Compass Points Counseling LLC  3/19/19  11:17 pm
Support for conversion therapy ban Vanessa Teixeira, EdD, LMHC  3/19/19  11:16 pm
ban conversion therapy Annie  3/19/19  11:09 pm
Conversion therapy is dangerous, ineffective, and should be banned Fernando  3/19/19  10:56 pm
The Richmond Business Alliance Supports A Ban on Conversion Therapy Ayana Obika, Richmond Business Alliance  3/19/19  10:55 pm
Protect out LGBTQ Community Kris Consaul  3/19/19  10:54 pm
Ban conversion therapy Lori Rose-Thompson  3/19/19  10:53 pm
Twofold Support of this Document Adam Trimmer, Born Perfect  3/19/19  10:44 pm
Conversion therapy is antithetical to the values of our Commonwealth Claire Fogarty  3/19/19  10:42 pm
Banning Conversion Therapy Saves Lives Alexandra Valliere  3/19/19  10:37 pm
Protect minors from conversion therapy practices Elizabeth Fogarty  3/19/19  10:36 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Amanda Golino  3/19/19  10:36 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Alex Wallace  3/19/19  10:31 pm
LGBTQ Youth Need to be Protected from Conversion "Therapy" Sophia McNicholas  3/19/19  10:22 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Virginia Tanner Mobley  3/19/19  10:14 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Jonah Haefner  3/19/19  10:14 pm
Conversion therapy has no place in society. Joshua Branch  3/19/19  10:10 pm
Ban conversion therapy Beth H. Carter  3/19/19  10:10 pm
A therapy ban is wrong, dangerous, and unconstitutional - protect counselors and patients Jonathan Clough  3/19/19  10:05 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY! Sydney P  3/19/19  9:55 pm
Conversion therapy is unacceptable Julia Holcomb  3/19/19  9:55 pm
VA must Ban Conversion Therapy Amy Cunningham, Prince William County  3/19/19  9:54 pm
Guidance Document is Appropriate Lee Henkel  3/19/19  9:54 pm
Conversion therapy should be banned. Jim Davis, NTT Data  3/19/19  9:46 pm
Ban Conversion therapy Wayne Barr  3/19/19  9:45 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Kelsey Altizer, Virginia Tech  3/19/19  9:43 pm
Ban conversion “therapy” Jay Watkins  3/19/19  9:39 pm
Conversion Therapy: No Thank You Sydne Santo  3/19/19  9:35 pm
Conversion Therapy is Harmful Shoshana Kronfeld  3/19/19  9:35 pm
In no way shape or form is conversion therapy acceptable. Broome W  3/19/19  9:33 pm
Conversion therapy Ellie Mackintosh  3/19/19  9:32 pm
Conversion Therapy Alyssa Freeman  3/19/19  9:22 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Dara Davis  3/19/19  9:20 pm
“Conversion Therapy” isn’t Therapy Josh C  3/19/19  9:20 pm
Ban Conversion therapy Karen Barr  3/19/19  9:14 pm
Ban conversion therapy M. J. Roberts  3/19/19  9:12 pm
Prohibit "Conversion Therapy" Scott Clark  3/19/19  9:11 pm
Keep religion out of medicine. Conversion Therapy is sanctioned abuse. Christopher Booth  3/19/19  9:11 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Bay Brooks  3/19/19  9:07 pm
Conversion Therapy Neelanshi Saxena, UVA student  3/19/19  9:07 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Dean B.  3/19/19  9:06 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Mary Gruber  3/19/19  9:06 pm
Not cool bro Chase Gohlke  3/19/19  9:06 pm
Ban conversion therapy Amanda Kelly  3/19/19  9:03 pm
Conversion therapy is quackery K Jacobs, PhD  3/19/19  9:02 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Audrey Watson, UVA  3/19/19  8:55 pm
Conversion Therapy is Abuse and a Manifestation of Hate David Christle, Student at the University of Virigina  3/19/19  8:53 pm
Allow counselors and patients to choose Amu  3/19/19  8:51 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Dylan Fulmer  3/19/19  8:50 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Jiyeon Fulmer  3/19/19  8:49 pm
Say ‘No’ to Conversion Therapy Rebekah Kusterbeck  3/19/19  8:48 pm
Conversion therapy is immoral Tray Dunkerson  3/19/19  8:42 pm
Ban conversion therapy Lucas Raymond  3/19/19  8:42 pm
Who really thought this was a good idea? Brandon DeLorenzo  3/19/19  8:36 pm
Shut down Conversion therapy Janice Collins  3/19/19  8:35 pm
No to conversion therapy Daniel Strauch  3/19/19  8:34 pm
Conversion Therapy Peter, David Christle Incorporated  3/19/19  8:33 pm
Outdated solution for something that isn't even a problem Carmen osborne  3/19/19  8:31 pm
Conversion Therapy is Dangerous Rev. Marty Anderson  3/19/19  8:31 pm
Conversion therapy is dangerous Angela Cox  3/19/19  8:27 pm
Ban Queer Torture Masquerading As Therapy Cody Afionis, Lost Chains Jewelry  3/19/19  8:22 pm
no license for fraud Jim Best, Floyd PFLAG  3/19/19  8:20 pm
Conversion Therapy Should Be Banned Kaden  3/19/19  8:17 pm
Support for the Ban on Conversion Therapy Margaret Christle  3/19/19  8:11 pm
Conversion therapy harms vulnerable members of our society Michaela Barnett  3/19/19  8:11 pm
Comment AGAINST Gay Conversion “Therapy” Susan Layman, Resident of Chesterfield County, Virginia  3/19/19  8:04 pm
Support evidence-based practice and ban conversion therapy Elizabeth Florek  3/19/19  7:54 pm
Patient comes first for conversion therapy Linda  3/19/19  7:50 pm
Conversion therapy is sanctioned abuse Daniel N Brewer  3/19/19  7:47 pm
In support of a ban on conversion therapy. Ewen Crunkhorn  3/19/19  7:47 pm
Take it From the Youth: We Love Who We Are (And You Should Too) Finley R.  3/19/19  7:27 pm
NO CONVERSION THERAPY Elissa Hamon  3/19/19  7:23 pm
Never use conversion therapy Finley  3/19/19  7:20 pm
religious counseling is not the same as licensed medicine WD  3/19/19  7:15 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Janet Shlanta  3/19/19  7:13 pm
Conversion Therapy is Barbaric Ronnie Lee Bailey  3/19/19  7:11 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Heather Tiffany-Virginia Tech Counselor Education Student  3/19/19  7:07 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban H Smith, Virginia Tech  3/19/19  7:04 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy! Courtney Stuart  3/19/19  7:03 pm
Regulations to ban conversion therapy Mina Attia, James Madison University  3/19/19  7:02 pm
Conversion Therapy does NOT help the subject of the therapy or the community. David Dooley  3/19/19  6:59 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY!!!!!!!! Heather Corton, student  3/19/19  6:55 pm
Ban conversion therapy! Sonia Z  3/19/19  6:54 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Debra Marks, PsyD  3/19/19  6:54 pm
Ban conversion therapy Denis  3/19/19  6:52 pm
Support for Conversion Therapy Ban Tamara Christie  3/19/19  6:49 pm
Conversion therapy is emotional abuse and cannot be endorsed or tolerated in the United States or VA Bryn Karaus  3/19/19  6:49 pm
Ban Conversion "Therapy" Eli Lehrer  3/19/19  6:48 pm
Stop Conversion Therapy Deanna Bayer, Citizen of Virginia  3/19/19  6:41 pm
Ban conversion therapy. Jasmine LeClair, Norfolk Academy  3/19/19  6:35 pm
this souldnt be a debate, BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Camelia Roberson, Norfolk Academy (student)  3/19/19  6:32 pm
This CANNOT be allowed! Kent  3/19/19  6:28 pm
Conversion therapy is backwards and a dark part of Virginia’s history Connor McAlevy  3/19/19  6:28 pm
Conversion Therapy Andrew  3/19/19  6:28 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY E.J. Smith  3/19/19  6:27 pm
BAN IT!!! Dominique Schmieder, Student (Roadstead Montessori Highschool)  3/19/19  6:25 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Laura Mayer, George Mason University MSW Student  3/19/19  6:24 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Shannon Daniels  3/19/19  6:19 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Timothy Shaw  3/19/19  6:17 pm
ban conversion therapy David Ensign, Clarendon Presbyterian Church  3/19/19  6:14 pm
Ban conversion therapy Rev. Dr. Leah Grundset Davis  3/19/19  6:12 pm
Bunk! Dianne Lane  3/19/19  6:06 pm
Conversion Therapy MUST Be Banned Jack Tignor, Student(Norfolk Academy)  3/19/19  6:05 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Efstathia Kalapothakos  3/19/19  6:02 pm
Supression of Physician's Free Speech Rights Regarding Unwanted sexual Desires Drake Hoffman  3/19/19  6:02 pm
Conversion Therapy Should Be Illegal Derek Fuzzell  3/19/19  5:59 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy. Karen  3/19/19  5:56 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy John Barrett  3/19/19  5:56 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Jennifer Wainright  3/19/19  5:55 pm
No Conversion Therapy John Shea  3/19/19  5:50 pm
Ban conversion therapy Kaiden Spicer  3/19/19  5:42 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Carolyn J Lawson  3/19/19  5:38 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Jillian Strand  3/19/19  5:33 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy EF  3/19/19  5:32 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy in Virginia Steve G  3/19/19  5:17 pm
NO conversion therapy Martha Judson, parent advocate  3/19/19  5:13 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Mary Haak  3/19/19  5:05 pm
This bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! Sarah Drain  3/19/19  5:04 pm
Do Not Restrict Counselors From Offering Sound Counsel Paul J Perrone  3/19/19  4:58 pm
Protect our LGBTQ Youth From Abuse Sarah Ahmadia  3/19/19  4:57 pm
Conversion Therapy is torture Grace Wang  3/19/19  4:56 pm
Conversion Therapy Is Life-Threatening Voodoo Jessica Rogers  3/19/19  4:53 pm
Banish Conversion Therapy from Virginia Deb Vaughan  3/19/19  4:47 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Richard Keech  3/19/19  4:47 pm
Protect LGBT Youth David Rice  3/19/19  4:44 pm
Unethical and Dangerous Ryan  3/19/19  4:43 pm
End this cruel “practice” and violation of civil liberties Steph White  3/19/19  4:41 pm
Ban conversation therapy ! Mark J  3/19/19  4:39 pm
Counselors should be allowed to help their clients with all sexual matters they may be asking about. M Rose  3/19/19  4:39 pm
Conversion Therapy Destroys Lives Jeanne Murphy Murck  3/19/19  4:37 pm
Conversion therapy is cruel and unusual punishment Amanda Traud  3/19/19  4:36 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Ryan Glanzer  3/19/19  4:36 pm
Don't do this to your children LEAH MARIE HARRIMAN,  3/19/19  4:35 pm
Why prohibit what the patient wants? Matthew Hatcher  3/19/19  4:30 pm
Conversion therapy is unscientific con artistry Mike Sullivan  3/19/19  4:26 pm
End Conversion Therapy In Virginia Rebecca  3/19/19  4:19 pm
Conversion Therapy is Pseudoscience Leading to Torture Christian Matheis  3/19/19  4:13 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy. Jason Sparks  3/19/19  4:05 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Joe George  3/19/19  3:56 pm
Ban conversion therapy M. Lewis  3/19/19  3:55 pm
Conversion "therapy" is torture. Support proposed guidelines. John Curry  3/19/19  3:50 pm
Please ban conversion therapy: dangerous and harmful to children Adelle Settle  3/19/19  3:43 pm
Conversion Therapy Is Harmful to Minors Catherina Hurlburt  3/19/19  3:36 pm
Why limit all counselors to one script? Carla Herrmann  3/19/19  3:31 pm
Conversion therapy undermines religious freedom and worsens sexual dysfunction Michael Airhart, Alexandria  3/19/19  3:26 pm
Conversion Therapy is Abuse Claire Kaplan  3/19/19  3:19 pm
BAN CONVERSION THERAPY Cassidy Jones  3/19/19  3:18 pm
Conversion Therapy Does Harm Rev. Daniel R. Willson, Williamsburg Baptist Church  3/19/19  3:09 pm
Ban conversion therapy. Holly Sepety  3/19/19  3:08 pm
Ban conversion therapy Sara Correll  3/19/19  3:08 pm
Conversion Therapy Should Be Banned Allison S.  3/19/19  3:04 pm
Conversion Therapy Is Harmful and Dangerous Sarah Ahmed  3/19/19  3:03 pm
Protect VA LGBTQ Minors from Harmful, Deceptive "Conversion Therapy" Elizabeth I. Braverman, Independent  3/19/19  2:56 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Nancy AB  3/19/19  2:54 pm
Side by Side Supports a Ban on "Conversion Therapy" Ted Lewis, Side by Side Va, Inc.  3/19/19  2:51 pm
End the harmful practice of conversion therapy Matthew Stewart  3/19/19  2:50 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Rev. MaryAnn McKibben Dana  3/19/19  2:49 pm
Prohibit licensed providers from attempts to change SO or GI of minors; ensure penalties deter this. Christine Robinson  3/19/19  2:45 pm
Conversion Therapy is Dangerous and Unethical, Not a Free Speech Issue James Edward Heck  3/19/19  2:41 pm
Protect LGBT Virginians Victoria Staubly  3/19/19  2:31 pm
Ban coversion therapy Steve Burner  3/19/19  2:26 pm
No conversion Mike Beaty  3/19/19  2:26 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy in Virginia Rev. Dr. David Hindman  3/19/19  2:24 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy Nicolas Christopher Johnston  3/19/19  2:22 pm
Ban conversion therapy Kelly Roberts  3/19/19  2:22 pm
Conversion "therapy" has been shown to lead to depression, substance abuse, and suicide Alex Gingras  3/19/19  2:20 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy / Curel and Unacceptable Chris Davin  3/19/19  2:13 pm
Oppose the prohibition of conversion therapy -We're Ethically Bound to Use Value System of Client Nancy-LPC in Virginia  3/19/19  2:11 pm
Ban Conversion Therapy. Caleb Foster (Survivor)  3/19/19  2:08 pm
Conversion therapy has no scientific basis Rebecca Ryon  3/19/19  2:03 pm
Conversion therapy lifelong risks Chrissy Marie  3/19/19  1:59 pm
Sexual orientation/gender identity change efforts are harmful and unethical Lisa Griffin, Ph.D.  3/19/19  1:49 pm
Conversion Therapy is Unacceptable for Licensed Counselors Keygan Miller  3/19/19  1:42 pm
Counselors banned from talking about AIDS in early 1980's Edna Gorman Independent Voter  3/19/19  1:42 pm
Conversion therapy has no basis in science and is damaging Joyce Connery  3/19/19  1:39 pm
Conversion therapy is harmful! Shirley Hottot  3/19/19  1:39 pm
Outlaw conversion therapy J cohen  3/19/19  1:35 pm
Conversion Therapy is extremely harmful. Margarita Martinez  3/19/19  1:33 pm
Conversion Therapy Causes Trauma Rev. Robin Anderson, Commonwealth Baptist Church  3/19/19  1:30 pm
No scientific basis for Conversions Therapy Henry H Riley IV  3/19/19  1:29 pm
The State has no right to limit private counsel Jared  3/19/19  1:29 pm
Support proposed guidance Eric Wilber  3/19/19  1:27 pm
Conversion Therapy is Not Healthy Heidi BruMar  3/19/19  1:17 pm
Ocounselors banned from Edna Gorman Independent Voter  3/19/19  1:11 pm
Conversion Therapy does not work Scott H  3/19/19  1:11 pm
Gender Dysphoria is a Confimed Mental Illness David Jones  3/19/19  1:09 pm
legislature to silence counselors Ronald D Ford  3/19/19  1:02 pm
Banning therapy is an unconstitutional violation of free speech Jean Hart  3/19/19  12:59 pm
Why? Damien Wright  3/19/19  12:49 pm
Indoctrination or Counseling? Doug Harshbarger  3/19/19  12:41 pm
We are People Ashlee R  3/19/19  12:40 pm
No censorship! Eric Marx  3/19/19  12:26 pm
What planet are you on??? Why are you against my freedom and my religion? Carl Russell  3/19/19  12:24 pm
Free Speech for Licensed Counselors Nicholas Jensen  3/19/19  12:18 pm
Free speech is still a protected right. If one wants help, he/she is entitled to it. Wayne and Diane Rautio  3/19/19  12:14 pm
Protect free speech and conscience rights of counselors Audrey Stout, RN, RDMS  3/19/19  11:48 am
Object to censoring Counselor April Howland  3/19/19  11:41 am
Oppose guidelines preventing CHOICE in services WANTED by patients Lana Schexnader, M.E.V.  3/19/19  11:39 am
Allow counselors to help ALL struggling with sexual matters Larry Weaver  3/19/19  11:21 am
Allow both views about sexual orientation Edna Gorman Independent Voter  3/19/19  11:07 am
attempt to ban conversion therapy Katharine Shaibani  3/19/19  11:01 am
Don't censure faith-based counselors. Suicide rates among CT people are much higher than normal. Janson J. Harrill,D.C.  3/19/19  10:55 am
Do the right thing Joel Sutton  3/19/19  10:45 am
Oppose censorship of licensed counselors Werner Lind  3/19/19  10:44 am
Guidance Document Donna Lauderdale  3/19/19  10:39 am
In the beginning Tony Monaghan  3/19/19  10:34 am
Free speech Richard E. Cooley  3/19/19  10:33 am
Speech is prohibited by law if harmful Michael Jeffrey  3/19/19  10:29 am
Regulation of Conversion Therapy by licensed professionals GLSEN Richmond Policy Coordinator  3/19/19  10:24 am
Free to counsel John Basham  3/19/19  10:08 am
Trained Councilors Freedom to Council Jacqueline M Cunningham  3/19/19  10:01 am
A suspicious double standard Heritage Carnell  3/19/19  10:00 am
Give Counseling Clients a Choice Jeff  3/19/19  9:55 am
Counselors should be able to HELP their patients overcome unwanted sexual feelings or desires. Everett Hines  3/19/19  9:54 am
Stop the censorship! Diane Smith, Citizen and Voter  3/19/19  9:53 am
licensed professionals’ have free speech rights Scottie Jackson  3/19/19  9:49 am
Counselors Right to Freedom of Conscious Jay Judkins  3/19/19  9:28 am
Reject these guidelines which enforce bias Stephen Hertz  3/19/19  9:17 am
NO censorship: administrative regulations!!! Patricia Magyar  3/19/19  9:08 am
Attempted censorshio by theLeft Pete Lepine, private citizen  3/19/19  9:00 am
Proposed Regulations to Punish and Silence Faith-Based Counselors Shana Daniel  3/19/19  8:54 am
Please do not prohibit counselors from helping patients overcome unwanted sexual feelings. Roberta Gibson  3/19/19  8:43 am
Councellors need to be free to council John Weinreich  3/19/19  8:42 am
Opposition to current guidance documents on counseling same-sex attraction Eddy Aliff, Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptists  3/19/19  8:40 am
Freedom of thought and expression Tyna Gaylor  3/19/19  8:38 am
Do Take Away the Freedom of Counselors and Their Clients Vicki in Henrico  3/19/19  8:37 am
Unconstitutional to restrict counselors from providing WANTED services by patients Laura J Sentiger  3/19/19  8:33 am
Do not punish those seeking help and those providing help Eric Hammond  3/19/19  8:32 am
Do not punish licensed counselors Nancy S Pendergrass, MPH, RDN  3/19/19  8:29 am
Do not restrict a patient's request for unwanted same sex attraction Steve Aiello  3/19/19  8:16 am
Do not take away free speech for licensed counselors! Kimberly McDaniel  3/19/19  8:13 am
Please do not punish counselors who help patience overcome unwanted sexual feelings Dennis Smith  3/19/19  8:00 am
Biology matters as much as perception of biology - especially within faith traditions Matthew Parowski  3/19/19  7:51 am
Do Not pass guidance documents and regulations to stifle licensed professionals’ free speech rights Mike Wolfe  3/19/19  7:48 am
Respect free speech and the right of patients to seek the help they desire. Therese Zepeda  3/19/19  7:48 am
Psychology Board Restricting Licensed Counselors Ruth E Edens  3/19/19  7:36 am
Punishing Counselors Cynthia C. Lowe  3/19/19  7:30 am
Proposed Regulations to Punish and Silence Faith-Based Counselors Brian from Glen Allen  3/19/19  7:28 am
Stop trying to punish counselors and violate their free speech rights! Mark Calabrese  3/19/19  7:24 am
New Guidance Document on Conversion Therapy Dixon D Handwerk  3/19/19  7:17 am
New Guidance for Counselors Eileen Bakke  3/19/19  6:59 am
Biological Affirmation Counseling Gordon Goetz  3/19/19  6:57 am
Do not restrict freedom Sybil Lowe  3/19/19  6:47 am
Government over reach Robert Arbaugh  3/19/19  6:46 am
Do not restrict freedom Sharon Landrum  3/19/19  6:36 am
Homosexual pedophile conversion therapy Willard Rockwell  3/19/19  6:08 am
Please don’t prohibit freedom Kristen Hinton  3/19/19  3:35 am
New guidance document on conversion therapy. Dennis Webster  3/19/19  3:29 am
Counseling Judy Cook  3/19/19  1:36 am
Not enough study has been done to warrant such "suggestions" or censoring of professionals. Where is Doug Craig  3/19/19  12:08 am
Speech should not be prohibited or censored by law. Individuals should be feel to hear what is said Katherine Sodergren  3/18/19  11:52 pm
Message to the Virginia Board. FRANK CARTER  3/18/19  11:38 pm
Do not stifle licensed professionals’ free speech rights LaVerne Waybright, consumer  3/18/19  11:36 pm
This message is to the Virginia Board. Hadassah H Carter  3/18/19  11:32 pm
Punishing licensed counselors Marilyn McCarty  3/18/19  11:15 pm
Counseling Elaine Hanger  3/18/19  11:08 pm
Patient client confidentiality Liane Ridley  3/18/19  11:05 pm
Government should not get involved in private counseling Mary Mack  3/18/19  10:56 pm
They are LICENSED counselors! Mary Mann  3/18/19  10:53 pm
Do not punish counselors for helping patients who wish to overcome unwanted sexual feelings Glyn Roberts  3/18/19  10:52 pm
Do not punish counselors for helping patients who wish to overcome unwanted sexual feelings Karen Dawkins  3/18/19  10:44 pm

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