Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program [12 VAC 35 ‑ 230]
Action Amendments to establish criteria and annual funding priorities through the Annual Funding Program Guidelines and ensure public input.
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 7/17/2024


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6/17/24  8:31 pm
Commenter: Rosemane Monestine


To Whom It May Concern, 

This program has helped my son so much who has ASD. Summer programs has helped him develop academically and socially.  I pray that everyone continues to benefit from the program and what it offers the ones who needs support financially. 

Thank you, 

Rosemane Monestine 

CommentID: 225987

6/18/24  7:46 am
Commenter: Steve K

Much needed

My daughter has been challenged since birth and we've had to undergo numerous therapies, and spent many thousands of dollars over the years to help her adapt.  Programs like this are critical for individuals and families to help pay for some of these therapies and tools to help those who don't have the same path as everybody else.  

Thank you.

CommentID: 225995

6/18/24  8:11 am
Commenter: Dave Pompilio



I agree, that's a great decision for equity! It’s wonderful to see efforts being made to create a more inclusive and fair environment for everyone involved.

CommentID: 225996

6/18/24  9:24 am
Commenter: Paige


This program is very beneficial to our son by allowing him to have access to the different opportunities to interact with other children. And to continue increasing social skills. We appreciate the program tremendously. 

CommentID: 226000

6/18/24  11:21 am
Commenter: Stephanie, parent


I submit that everyone on the waiver wait list is in need of ISFP funding. How can you really determine one person’s need is greater than another’s?  There is an unfairness about it. How can it be made objective? 

CommentID: 226003

6/18/24  2:53 pm
Commenter: Renee, parent

Disagree. The process works well as it is, leave it alone.

Disagree. The process works well as it is, leave it alone.

CommentID: 226008

6/19/24  9:04 am
Commenter: American Critical Care Services, Inc. 804-320-1113

Purposed Funding Ammendment

Who will have the final say as to who is admitted to the waiver program and when? What will the criteria be? One more complicated thing for providers to face...

I often have people on the CL Waivers and FIS Waivers who cannot tap into their benefits because of complex built in regulations about waiver useage and eligibility. I have had 5 people over the last 2 months on our PDN case load who have been victims of "churn".

I suggest appointing someone to handle Medicaid elegibilities for more complex Waivered cases (the people DMAS seems to be trying to priortize here) who can interface with DSS to better serve current members.  As it is now, Medicaid is lumping all expansion people in with Waiverd individuals for annual eligibility renewals. Why do tracheostomy and ventalated clients need to prove continued elegibility every year? Is this really necessary? 

Leave this process alone please and work on correcting existing issues regarding elegibility of your current members who are already either receiving Waiver services or trying to. 

CommentID: 226029

6/20/24  12:24 pm
Commenter: Kathy, Mother


I think leave it alone. It's hard enough for many just to get the application done. First come first serve is like playing the lottery, but you have a better chance to get some funding while being on a waiver waitlist for years. If you want to make sure funds are used correctly, go back to requiring receipts instead of asking we hold on to them for years and subject to getting lost. Sounds like it will be more red tape and hurdles and the possibility of not filling something out correctly like all the other forms. Thanks but no thanks.


CommentID: 226038

6/20/24  2:24 pm
Commenter: Tiffany

Funds available

Our family has benefited and received valuable safety and personal use items for our son due to this program. I think it is complicated enough to get aid and the current system is working fine and we have a basic understanding of the steps necessary to apply for and receive funds and assistance and guidance.


CommentID: 226039

6/20/24  6:38 pm
Commenter: Concerned Parent

Prioritizing those on the waitlist with no Medicaid access

Grateful the program will no longer be biased towards those with support and ability to log into a computer the moment the grant applications open. Please consider that the folks truly lost in not being served are those with NO MEDICAID at all. In some jurisdictions individuals on the DD waiver wait list are screened for CCC+ (old EDCD) waivers-- but the interpretation of the qualifying criteria vary vastly across jurisdictions. Please do not prioritize the receipt of IFSP funds based on whether someone has another medicaid waiver (like CCC+). Please look at who is lost deep in the gap with known ID/DD and NO MEDICAID at all! These families have no access to any respite, struggle to find "sitters" (because there are no funds for attendants) for teens, young adults and grown individuals with ID. These caregivers are being rapidly worn down as the caregiving and exhaustion is exponential. These families make hard financial and life decisions-due to not having Medicaid for their loved ones- to pay for therapies and medical costs. The people on the waitlist with no Medicaid should not be viewed as less in need, or any less of a priority- these families have less access, not less need.

CommentID: 226045

6/20/24  6:46 pm
Commenter: Problem Solving tax payor

Just fund all DD and eliminate the IFSP band aid

Band aid, band aid, band aid--- wasn't IFSP part of the DOJ settlement agreement to start? The band aid for the band aid is broken! Let's just fund everyone with DD and totally eliminate IFSP. No more band aid needed! The time, resources, and energy to fix this distracts from the real issue that this band aid is trying to cover.

CommentID: 226046

7/1/24  11:20 am
Commenter: Wendy Little (Eryn's Mom)


The Service Facilitation portion of DD Waiver MUST be operated within localities/counties/cities. Service Facilitation problems (paperwork issues) cost me the ENITRE first year of Appendix K pay during the Pandemic. Currently, I am at 4 ENTIRE MORE Months with NO Caregiver Pay, and NO way to even TRY to find/hire a Caregiver for my son, Eryn Little who has been ON the DD Waiver for YEARS due to 'paperwork issues'....The State of Virginia and Chesterfield County CSB and it's leadership have FAILED my disabled son and myself once AGAIN with a Waiver for which he adequately qualified years ago, due to 'lack of finding service facilitators qualified and available to do 'paperwork' '....This is an abomination, unconscionable, and absolute apathy by CSB, Chesterfield County Government and Leaders and all who are responsible for PROVIDING the guarantees of protection of the DD Waiver. The burden on parents is TOO heavy with endless paperwork, intake meetings, etc. etc. SIS, ISP, etc. etc. etc. PAY ME MY 4 MONTHS OF BACK PAY TODAY WITHOUT HESITATION! There are too many 'cooks' and not enough chefs. Issues like this must be able to be resolved WITHIN ONE WEEK, NOT 4 MONTHS LATER WITH...NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

CommentID: 226450

7/1/24  3:43 pm
Commenter: RMays

Fund all individuals in the DD waiver

Come on Virginia! Quit making our citizens who need help go without! Didn't the trouble with DOJ teach lawmakers anything? Our state is behind in their care of individuals with disabilities. Let's lead the way for a change. 

CommentID: 226477

7/3/24  2:28 pm
Commenter: Ellen Butler

This is a Band-Aid - It's time to FUND the DD WAIVERS

Dear Virginia Policy and Lawmakers, 

Were you aware that other states entirely FUND the DD Waivers? There is no waitlist in North Carolina, Massachusetts, New York, Nebraska, Vermont, Minnesota, and plenty more. It's funded. Yes. ALL the DD waivers are funded.

What is the problem Virginia? Incompetence? Laziness to correct the band-aid? Lack of Vision. Virginia, as usual, is behind on this. Stop making it harder for the people in this state whose lives are hard enough.  For once catch up or lead the way. Seriously, this new policy proposal has red-tape written all over it. and sounds like it will take even longer to sort out who gets what kind of "band-aid monies" when, in reality, IFSP shouldn't even exist.  

Stop with the band-aids! 


- Ellen Parent to Special Needs Child

CommentID: 226816

7/5/24  7:45 pm
Commenter: M, Mother

I Hope There Will Be Enough For Everyone That Applies

I was very happy that the funding was available. Unfortunately, my daughter was denied. I applied on the first day at 9 a.m.  It's usually on a first come, first served basis. That wasn't the case last time. My daughter really needed the money. Well, better luck next time.

CommentID: 227157

7/8/24  4:15 pm
Commenter: Mary Vigil


Please provide all funding for everyone on the DD Waiver waitlist.

CommentID: 227198

7/10/24  8:33 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Disbursement of funds

I am concerned that this process may be made even more difficult to qualify and receive the funds than it already is now. This does not appear to be a way to help families receive funds for their family member. It sounds as if more red tape is going to have to be cut before they can receive such funds. 

CommentID: 227201

7/17/24  12:24 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

ifsp is not easy for everyone. and go card agency is awful
Logging in to get IFSP is hard for many who are computer illiterate, leaves them out of getting the funds they need for their child. Having a person that speaks a different language and not able to read the forms leaves them out. Having a parent/individual who can’t read or write leaves them out. The credit card company is very hard to get in touch with. If you are lucky in pressing the right numbers and get to talk to them, would be the day to play the lottery. Other than that, they are useless because you can’t talk to a human. The credit card company won’t even talk to support coordinators to help figure out the problem for the parent/individual. Many people can’t get in touch with credit card company and a lot of funding is being lost because of this. Also, the IFSP staff should work directly with the parents that are having difficulties with logging in and filling out the form, issues with their cards, helping parents’ step by step when the parent is trying to fill out the form. The training is nice, and helps right then and there, but not when the parent/individual is logging in when the system opens
CommentID: 227215