Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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3/4/08  12:17 pm
Commenter: Thomas Whitman Big Bertha's Towing & Equipment Delivery


On my rounds throughout the county area and on trips to auto dealerships in Kingsport, Johnson City, Bristol and many areas in Virginia, I have had the opportunity to talk to others in the towing industry.  We discussed the BTRO, MIHROA, the proposals, and concepts that have evoluved with the development of this towing social arrangement.  This organization pursues collective goals, controls its own performance, and which has a boundary separating it from its environment, us.  That the goal would be to influence political and State power through legislation.  You all may be surprised to know that many are not that familiar with what is going on here.  I think this may be true all over.  Many are suspicious in a way because it is new, a different concept of rules and ideas that make and/or suggest major changes in the Virginia towing industry.  A couple of my colliegues believe that the MIHROA is a subversive organization driven by greed and powered by large amounts of financial backing who don't think twice about peddling their influence by bribes, favors, and political affect  They believe it's goal is to to control and/or manipulate the system.  A couple of others strongly believe that in time MIHROA will rent a lot central to the county and then plant 8 or 10 trucks on it and low-ball everyone else in the surrounding area out of business, then ratchet up the prices. That would essentially create a monopoly in the local area towing business. Now if they would create a subterfuge corporation in each instance, the monopoly would be complete throughout the State. People are scared.  People fear these things and worse are in our future. Many think the MIHROA will come in like Wal-Mart and drive the mom and pop operations out of existance.  Many believe that the BTRO having these as members are promoting this idea.  Personally, I don't know what will happen. No one really knows. But the suspicions are running wild and concerns are in a high state of aggitation.  I do think more time for the BTRO to assemilate into the towing community would be a benefit.  Both for the community to build trust in the organization, and for BTRO to get their act together before bull dozing down the opposition and develop rapport with the Virginia towers. Thanks for your time. Thomas

CommentID: 682