Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Adding Section 320: Reasonable efforts for deer and bear hunting with dogs.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 7/5/2024
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7/5/24  5:51 am
Commenter: Anonymous

I support we need changes this is a start

I support these two proposals, they may not be perfect but it is long overdue. Every single year we have countless folks talk about the hunting dog trespass issue that’s almost exclusively deer dogs and hunt clubs. Every year it is the same old excuses time and time again, time and time again though the deer dog hunters themselves fight any change good or bad to their sport. 

It’s almost comical in a way now that they have spun the dwr to have taken an anti hunting stance, but a few years ago when Sunday hunting was first brought forth they stood and held hands with PETA against Sunday hunting. Who here is really anti hunting?

It was also discussed how hounds would be microchipped for free by I believe James Edmund’s and as a result there was tons of negative backlash, but yet every single year like clockwork the animal shelters fill up with hounds after hunting season. The vahda even offers a $1000 reward for information about turning in someone who has dumped out hounds but many of their members were against the microchipping? Why is that and how does that make any sense? Shouldn’t they be happy that the people who harm their own image could have been dealt with and held accountable or is that something that all of them partake in? 

Almost similar to what is being discussed here on this very thread. We have two proposals very innocent in nature nothing crazy mandatory gps collars and keep your dogs where they belong and off others property where they do not belong. 

The first proposal all I hear is how it will keep people from dog hunting by making it to expensive, but yet owning and feeding a pack of dogs, having a truck with a dog box, a 2 way radio, garmin collars, a dog box, thousands of dollars in gas, hunt club dues, beer and food, also let’s not forget the yeti cooler that everyone has strapped down on top of the dog box, but yes the gps collar is the straw that will break the camels back because that makes perfect sense. 

The second proposal is the more important of the two and the one that absolutely needs to be adopted and tooled with in the coming years. Why would anyone who cares about the safety and well being of their animals/ family members not want to keep them where they don’t belong. This is not coming from an anti dog hunting point of view, but a lack of common sense point of view that is currently being used by the missing in action 190,000 dog hunters of Virginia.

Has anyone not done any critical thinking if there is 190,000 of these people why is there only 1,000 comments. Every dwr meeting it’s the same folks, every time an “anti” dog bill or law is discussed it’s only a couple hundred folks come out of the woodwork at best. Even on this very thread you have folks proclaiming themselves to be from other states, they have no dog in this fight literally. It’s almost as if there isn’t 190,000 of them and dwr is taking the vahda and their word at face value. 

If dwr does care about hunting and land owner rights these proposals should both be adopted because the state should lead by example and take a leadership stance and position on this and get ahead of these conflicts instead of just sending out cpos as mediators, so that they can actually do something about it this problem is wide spread and many folks do not call and complain because they do not want to waste their time knowing nothing will happen to these “bad seeds”.

It’s time for Virginia to wake up and do the right thing, and do something about these issues. 

CommentID: 226926