Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Certified Recovery Residences [12 VAC 35 ‑ 260]
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5/22/24  1:30 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Oversight is a must

As a taxpayer, we should know what this money is being spent on. Under the current system, the money goes into the hands of VARR, and from there, there is minimal to no oversight of how these funds are being spent and if they are going to the right places. It's been proven that DBHDS does not seem to have the will, the man-power, the authority, or some combination of the three to properly watch that this money is being put to good use and not lining the pockets of these recovery house and recovery center operators. Huge conflicts of interest have already been shown between VARR and these recovery organization operators. In my opinion, there is enough money to enable DBHDS to provide oversight directly to these recovery organizations, which would eliminate VARR from the loop completely and eliminate some serious perverse incentives.

CommentID: 222656