Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Guidance Document Change: This guidance is intended to clarify the reporting requirements to the Office of Human Rights (OHR) for peer-on-peer aggressions that occur in licensed or DBHDS-funded community provider settings. It is intended to supersede guidance dated June 15, 2017, entitled “Office of Human Rights Peer-to-Peer Reportable Incidents.” The impetus for clarification was a comprehensive review of neglect data entered by providers in the DBHDS Computerized Human Rights Information System (CHRIS), and collaborative conversations with key stakeholders.
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5/28/23  6:25 pm
Commenter: Peer Support Specialist

Almost all altercations could be prevented, especially peer on peer

Patients do not come first in the mental health system. I’ve been to over eight hospitals and spent over 5 years hospitalized. Honestly most doctors don’t care. It’s all trial and error to them. As for behavioral technicians and nurses. They’re just waiting on their next paycheck. Peer on peer altercation, are their entertainment. Using the authority they have to psychologically harm, manipulate, and physically abuse patients or as you see us (Consumers)

As you can see at Central State Hospital. Where a patient was smothered to death by security and officers. While handcuffed and shackled. He was carried and thrown around as if he’s life did matter at all. That’s just a glimpse into the reality of a patients. Truth be told, I don’t think it possible for mankind to do right by there fellow man. If something doesn’t happen soon. It won’t be peer on peer or staff neglect. Medication will destroy the immune systems and reproductive system of the consumer. Let’s be real, there’s no such thing as a chemical off balance that causes major mental illness. There is no science backing it at all. Drug dealers on the streets can give you something to calm you down. The system is broken, built on lies. DBHDS, CSB, CIA, FBI, etc all the same for the most part. It’s time to be honest. 

CommentID: 217033