Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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3/21/08  8:26 pm
Commenter: Edward D. Johnson, Coliseum Towing Service, Hampton, VA


To think that Virginia, the birthplace of freedom, would take part in a shameful scheme like this to restrict free enterprise is hard for many of us to comprehend. My family came to this Commonwealth in 1610 and I have always upheld my family's pride in this great state. When I think of the sacrifices made by our founders in their efforts to throw off the bondage of Great Brittain, I wonder just how far we have gone and how much farther we will go. As this battle has raged, I have often become discouraged, but then I remember how hard others fought for what is right and I become hopeful that Virginians will again fight against those tyrants who would deprive us of our jobs or take from those who manage to survive this regulatory scheme, their hard-earned money. Then, I remember that those things of great value must be purchased at a great price or otherwise, those things have no real value. I think  that just as our founders had to fight to make this state free, we must fight also. Freedom is not "free" nor is it for the "dumb"; it is for those who value it and are willing to fight for it.

There are those who have lied, connived and distorted truth in order to force good and decent people to lose their livelihoods, just so they could steal the towing business in this state. They will lose and we will win because we are right and they are wrong. The good people of this industry will not surrender and will carry this fight as far as necessary. We have to do this because it is what decent people do. Those of you who have families, go to church, and raise your children to become honest adults and citizens must not give up; you will prevail.

This comment period ends today, but the struggle does not. I encourage all of those who believe in what is right to keep up this fight. You are not just fighting for your jobs and the welfare of your children. You are fighting to protect the Spirit of Virginia. You are fighting to show your children that an honest fight will preserve the values we hold to be so important. You are fighting for the freedom of your children so they can persue the occupations they will someday want. If you fight, you will teach you children the value of standing firm for what is right. Remember; Sic Semper Tyranus.


CommentID: 1227