Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Erosion and Sediment Control and Stormwater Management Certification Requirements (formerly 4VAC50-50) [9 VAC 25 ‑ 850]    (Repealed)
Guidance Documents
Chapter Information
Description These regulations guide the issuance of certificates of competence as required by the Erosion and Sediment Control Law. § 62.1-44.15:52 et seq. and the Stormwater Management Act § 62.1-44.15:24 et seq. These regulations are applicable to every program authority that administers an erosion and sediment control program. and a Virginia stormwater management program.
State Authority §§ 62.1-44.15 :52 et seq. and 62.1-44.15 :24 et seq. of the Code of Virginia
Federal Authority None entered
Periodic Review Note regulation being repealed and requirements transferred to new CH 875 effective 7/1/2024
Exempt from APA No, changes to this chapter are subject to the Administrative Process Act.
Text of Regulation Link to Virginia Administrative Code
Goals of Regulation None entered
Meetings See all meetings (8) relating to this chapter.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Kevin Vaughan 
Address: 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, VA 23218
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4470    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-
Current Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Consolidation of Virginia Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Programs
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/01/2024.

Past Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Final Exempt CH 850 Changes in Response to 2022 Legislative Changes
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 11/09/2022.
Transfer of Regulations to State Water Control Board
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Final Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 10/23/2013.

Withdrawn Actions
Action Title Latest Stage Status
Adoption of a General Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit Regulation for Irrigation Reuse of Level B Reclaimed Water
Action is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
NOIRA Stage withdrawn on 08/17/2007