Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Housing and Community Development
Commission On Local Government
Public Participation Guidelines [1 VAC 50 ‑ 11]
14 guidance documents relevant to this chapter for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
5890 Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation Program Manual 10/1/2018 
5892 Vibrant Community Initiative 10/1/2017 
6086 Virginia Telecommunications Initiative Program Guidelines and Criteria 10/14/2023 
7037 Utility Leverage Program – Unserved Certification Guidelines 3/4/2023 
7111 Virginia Small Business Resiliency Fund: Program Guidelines and Instruction Manual 11/25/2021 
7718 Virginia Broadband Availability Map Internet Service Provider Service Territory Data Submission Guidelines 2/15/2024 
BOARD: Commission On Local Government
CLG - ANNEX Commission on Local Government: Municipal Annexation 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - ANNEX AGR Commission on Local Government: Agreements Defining Annexation Rights 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - ANNUL Commission on Local Government: Annulment of Town Charter 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - BOUND ADJ AGR Commission on Local Government: Boundary Adjustments By Agreement 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - CITY REVERS Commission on Local Government: Reversion from City to Town Status 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - CONSOLIDATION Commission on Local Government: Consolidation of Two or More Units of Local Government 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - TOWN INC Commission on Local Government: Town Incorporation 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made
CLG - VSA Commission on Local Government: Voluntary Settlement Agreements 12/6/2017  Changes Being Made

Documents listed are for the parent board or agency since they may be relevant to this chapter. No guidance documents apply to this chapter specifically.