Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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2/28/08  4:39 am
Commenter: Thomas Whitman Big Bertha's Towing & Equipment Delivery




In these comments and suggestions from my fellow, friends, peers and colliegues I have been trying to keep up with the issues, regulations, plan of action and milestones (poa&m), memorandums of understanding (mou), expert opinions, regular folks opinions, puff and steam from authoritative sources, threats, fines, jail, penalties, licenses (at $500 a pop) both A & B IN ADDITION to CDL's, collusion, shadow meetings, secrecy, equipment requirements, hidden agendas, arrogance, ignorance, mystery board member's' connections to some nefarious organizations, and so on and so on to infinity. I'm just a one guy operation; a rollback and a wrecker servicein a rural area. I thought working way out here I would have some immunity of sorts from large corporate influence, bank robberies, political crooks, gangsters, and all of that one might find in a large metropolis. Well, it looks like from my point of view, it is encroaching on our simple little society here with this towing enforcement program a group of folks are trying to throw together back on the East coast of Virginia. There is a reason for this program and I do not think it is in the best interest of the Virginia towers who are being forced to participate. Yes, we need some serious guidelines in terms of keeping unlicensed operators hauling without insurance. We call them scabs. That is something that DMV and the State Police can easily handle on a casual basis. We don't need another bureaucratic level in the State Government sucking up valuable resources and demanding outrageous license fees under the threat of jail and fines to operate. We need to have the laws that are in-place enforced by the authority that currently exists. It costs much less to add some staff to do these functions, if that is what is needed, than to start up another bureau, or board or or division, or agency that essentially will duplicate what is already there. There is more to this board in my opinion than is being let out to the general towing public. It starts to stink out here and I am way up wind of what is going on. I don't think we need any of this. It's wrong, it is without basic foundation, it is unnecessary, and it is a burden on the towing community. I believe the entire board should be immediately dismissed, the causes for it's organization be immediately rescinded and a two year moratorium be placed on any actions created thus far. Let's let the current authority and the laws that are in place be flexed with some additional impetus and initiate a two year research and review process to develop an accurate indicator of what is additionally needed to smooth out the towing operations in the State of Virginia. This is a ridiculous situation and should be put an end to NOW! Thomas

CommentID: 675