Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Action 2015 Voter Registration Application Regulation and Form Update
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/3/2015
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7/27/15  2:00 pm
Commenter: George Hohner, Taxpayer-legal citizen


As a taxpayer and a legal citizen by birth I a agree with the list of No's by Commenter: Terry Flynn General Registrar, Northampton County *  with some of my comments added in bold.

I know others have voiced these misgiving as well, but I would like to add my list of NO's to the proposed application and the proposed changes to 1VAC20-40-70:

NO because important identifying information can be left off the application which promotes and provides illegal immigrants and non citizens an easy way to break the law and vote illegally!  We the legal citizens object!

NO becuase people can commit voter fraud easily, or maybe they are not intentionally fraudulent and maybe just forgot to check some boxes. But how will the GR determine that? Too many maybes that must not be acceptable as it can lead to illegal voting!

NO becuase it will make many localities change their filing process and equipment costing the taxpayers money and contributing to government raising taxes eventually.

NO, a big NO, because it does not have to be signed. A checked box is not an affirmation. Will a checked box hold up in court?  Do you have any respect for the laws?

NO becuase this does not make the application process any easier for the honest applicant, but it does make it much easier for the fraudulent applicant who should not even be completing the application in the first place!

NO becuase it contradicts 24.2-418 , and we are sworn to uphold the Code of Virginia which the law and taxpayers of Virginia  expect all to follow just as they have to do! 

Let's go back to the drawing board on this one, please.

CommentID: 40553