Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation
Board for Barbers and Cosmetology
Barbering and Cosmetology Regulations [18 VAC 41 ‑ 20]
Action Lower Cosmetology Training to 1,000 Hours
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 7/3/2024
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6/28/24  10:18 am
Commenter: Student

1,000 hours will not prepare stylists to be remotely salon ready

To those whom it may concern,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed changes to the cosmetology curriculum that deprioritizes hands-on experience with hair. As a current student of Rudy & Kelly Academy, I believe this shift in focus will significantly impact our preparedness and readiness for the industry.

The foundation of cosmetology education has always been practical, hands-on training, especially when it comes to hair styling, cutting, and coloring. These are the core skills that salon owners expect us to have mastered upon graduation. Without sufficient practical experience, we will not be equipped with the necessary proficiency and confidence to succeed in a salon environment. This deficiency will place an undue burden on salon owners, who will have to spend valuable time and resources to train new stylists on fundamental skills that should have been acquired during their schooling.

Providing only the bare minimum will not only create unhappy and unconfident stylists but also extremely dissatisfied customers, which will impact the whole industry. Furthermore, this change makes it challenging for graduates to practice their craft if they move to states that still maintain adequate training requirements.

Moreover, the new curriculum focusing on a broader range of cosmetology aspects may not align with the primary reasons many of us chose to enroll in this program. Those interested in specializing in areas such as barbering, esthetics, or nail technology typically enroll in schools dedicated to those fields. By diluting the focus on hair, the curriculum risks inadequately preparing students for the specific demands of the hairstyling profession.

As students who have committed time, effort, and financial resources to our education, we deserve to receive the training we signed up for and paid for. Therefore, I respectfully request that the institution ensure current students are grandfathered into the original curriculum. This measure will honor our investment and guarantee that we receive the comprehensive hands-on training necessary to thrive in our chosen careers.

I hope you consider our concerns and take appropriate steps to ensure that the quality and focus of our education are preserved. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



A Concerned Student

CommentID: 226105