Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program [12 VAC 35 ‑ 230]
Action Amendments to establish criteria and annual funding priorities through the Annual Funding Program Guidelines and ensure public input.
Stage Final
Comment Period Ended on 7/17/2024
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6/20/24  6:38 pm
Commenter: Concerned Parent

Prioritizing those on the waitlist with no Medicaid access

Grateful the program will no longer be biased towards those with support and ability to log into a computer the moment the grant applications open. Please consider that the folks truly lost in not being served are those with NO MEDICAID at all. In some jurisdictions individuals on the DD waiver wait list are screened for CCC+ (old EDCD) waivers-- but the interpretation of the qualifying criteria vary vastly across jurisdictions. Please do not prioritize the receipt of IFSP funds based on whether someone has another medicaid waiver (like CCC+). Please look at who is lost deep in the gap with known ID/DD and NO MEDICAID at all! These families have no access to any respite, struggle to find "sitters" (because there are no funds for attendants) for teens, young adults and grown individuals with ID. These caregivers are being rapidly worn down as the caregiving and exhaustion is exponential. These families make hard financial and life decisions-due to not having Medicaid for their loved ones- to pay for therapies and medical costs. The people on the waitlist with no Medicaid should not be viewed as less in need, or any less of a priority- these families have less access, not less need.

CommentID: 226045