Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Wildlife Resources
Board of Wildlife Resources
Game: In General [4 VAC 15 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Adding Section 320: Reasonable efforts for deer and bear hunting with dogs.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 7/5/2024
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6/4/24  9:53 am
Commenter: Daniel Phillips

Hound trespassing bill

Please oppose this bill. This bill will shut down hunting with dogs all together. You will be killing a entire breed of dog and many others. These dogs have endurance out this world, these dogs can run days on end and have energy that is unmatched by any other breeds. They will slowly start to fade away if this law passes. I've been hunting with hounds for 37 years and have seen the sport grow and grow. It is more people into hound hunting now than it has ever been. They youth love it and it keeps them off the streets and not doing drugs. I have several young guys that work for me that have gotten the hound hunting bug and they love it. These guys are the ones I can call on anytime to work overtime because they want to buy the best feed they can for their dogs, and they want to have entry fee money to enter they're dogs into these field trails. They want to work more to afford the latest and best tracking equipment for their hounds. These guys aren't out getting drunk every night and sleeping with every woman they can like the other young guys that work with me that don't hound hunt. They are to occupied with keeping they're hounds in tip top shape getting ready for hunts. Hound hunting is exciting, and it keeps the youth interested vs trying to get them manage game like todays pushed agenda of what some call hunting. I understand that some landowners are upset of hounds coming across their property, but they should have looked into the county laws before they moved here. Some places you can do things and some places you can't and that's what makes America great. People are driving here from as far as Florida and Canada to run they're dogs because we have something that other states don't.  We have freedom and rights others don't and that's a good thing once you start taking away what little freedom people have left things are just going to get bad. If you really care about keeping the tradition of hunting alive, I strongly encourage you not to pass this bill. If you would like to not have as many complaints change the law about fox preserves not being able to be built anymore!!! The more preserves we have the less complaints you will see. The pens we have now are booked years in advance and have people a mile long on the waiting list. The feed stores can hardly keep up with the demand of dog food!!!! I don't think the state truly understands how big dog hunting and field trailing has become. This is a good thing for everyone including the state and our youth. But again, I strongly encourage you to oppose this bill. 

CommentID: 223888