Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Guidance Document Change: This guidance is intended to clarify the reporting requirements to the Office of Human Rights (OHR) for peer-on-peer aggressions that occur in licensed or DBHDS-funded community provider settings. It is intended to supersede guidance dated June 15, 2017, entitled “Office of Human Rights Peer-to-Peer Reportable Incidents.” The impetus for clarification was a comprehensive review of neglect data entered by providers in the DBHDS Computerized Human Rights Information System (CHRIS), and collaborative conversations with key stakeholders.
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6/15/23  3:21 pm
Commenter: Jennifer Fidura, Virginia Network of Private Providers

Comments on Proposed Peer-to-Peer Reporting

It is obvious that the use of the term "peer" is confusing as we now have a more robust contingent of "Peer Recovery Specialists" who in shorthand are called "peers!"

There are a couple areas that might need some better clarity:

  • Providers have chosen (and as far as I know it has been successful) to not enter a staff name under the "accusations" tab and only use the staff name if the complaint is founded; you statement on page 4 says "must" and that should be replaced with the more generic "the data entry protocols should be identical to those used for any allegation of abuse or neglect"
  • Also on page 4 (paragraph 2) please distinguish between investigations of incidents not reportable as abuse or neglect and those which may be.


CommentID: 217269