Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/13/22  9:47 am
Commenter: Arelious Wiggins (The Wiggins Family)

Please Keep The Meetings Virtual…

I am a Disabled Marine War Time Veteran, who has served in Kandahar, Afghanistan when 9/11 first happened. I now suffer from a plethora of disabilities and not to mention  having Cancer in my spine 20yrs later from having a happy and healthy life. I am forced to retire from the work life that I miss very much right now when I finally figured out where I wanted to retire at, I never fully got the chance to complete.

The reason I say all of this in my introduction, is because this Pandemic is still happening behind the scenes and is not safe for the children that we all love and protect. I have 2 littles ones (5yr old little girl who was unfortunately born with a heart defect & a 3 year old little boy). They both were born with very different forms of Autism.

My 5yr old is severely being impacted behind this Invisible Enemy we call “The Pandemic”. This thing is attacking her breathing to her Lungs.  Every time she enters the world for ABA Services, Sensational Kidz Therapy and school to live a normal life or the best she can under her circumstances, she comes back with some form of infection and she’s fully vaccinated with what is allowed for her age. I cringed at the fact I can’t keep her home for all of her needs until the world corrects itself. She is sick days at a time and is not able to attend school and stays home while under distress. She’s missed so many days at school and they are aware of her unique situation but the fact of the matter is, her days out of school is not normal (Almost 4 weeks of school have been missed).

My 3 year old gets a different variation of illnesses from his sister. And He just started school and my Son hates wearing a mask for his protection. He starts breathing, like he can’t breath at all and ends of taking the mask completely off within seconds. I have not figured out how to help him understand the severity of this matter.  He is always attached to his sister when she’s home from any of her services and/ or school, and then he catches contact from his sister and then they both are sick for days at at time and he’s fully vaccinated with what is allowed for his age. 

So for the virtual services to now be forced for at home visits when it is still not safe for my family, is added stress and pressure for keeping them safe. And lets not mention the Facilitators that have to enter the homes to provide services as well. It’s just not safe for that kind of physical contact yet. Please restore virtual services. This feature is the best thing to have right now…

CommentID: 206582