Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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12/3/22  10:14 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Keep virtual visits for the safety of all

I have been doing virtual visits for 2 years now as a facilitator. I have a select few that have chosen in person visits for various reasons; however, I see more of the home in a virtual visit than I do in person because they don't want us in their homes! If we all want to stay safe for in person visits, we will meet outside or right by the door. I can see more virtually as they travel through their homes looking for the client I need to see. Please, let's be smart about this and stay virtual at least through the Flu season. Not only are we working with a vulnerable population, the hospitals are inundated with RSV and Flu and let's not forget - Covid isn't gone! I have had numerous families that have had the Flu, RSV or Covid recently. It's much easier to re-schedule a virtual visit than an in person visit; especially if everyone in the house ends up sick. It's possible that we wouldn't even be able to see a client if an illness travels throughout the home and we run out of days in the month to do the visit. What does that accomplish? Wouldn't it be better to see the families virtually than not at all? 


CommentID: 206491