Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
Guidance Document Change: This is to provide an update to and supersedes the “Face-to-Face and Case Management Visits” Medicaid Bulletin posted on March 17, 2022.
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11/22/22  10:59 am
Commenter: Theresa Kendrick

Keeping virtual visits open

Hello all! I’m writing with grave concerns over the end of virtual visits. As we all know the last three years. we have had a very successful program of virtual visits, protecting our children, as well as our facilitators from harm due to Covid and other viruses. We all know Cove it is here to stay. Sadly, the two new variance that are spreading are invading even the ones that are vaccinated. I have a son who has severe and profound disabilities and immune compromised, placing our facilitators back into our homes monthly after they’ve  seen many clients daily is a reckless health risk to our children with special needs. I am asking DMAS , please to reconsider for the ones of us that want to remain virtual. To keep in place the amendment that you DMAS , added  saying at the end of PHE, there would still be an option to remain virtual. I am pleading not to risk our children’s lives with a strong possibility of exposure to a virus that has the potential to be deadly for many of our loved ones. Please reconsider and keep in place the amendment to PHE pertaining to virtual visits I greatly appreciate your time and attention and reconsidering virtual visits!

Sincerely, Theresa 

CommentID: 205930