Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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3/21/08  11:08 am
Commenter: Joanna - Thornton's Road Service


It is my understanding that all these new and wonderful policies came about due to incidences that happened in Northern Virginia.  You know the saying one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.  Well, that is exactly what is happening here.  Many of the towing firms that are established in the Newport News area all started as a mom and pop business many moons ago.  You know things start out as a way of life, do what you have to do to get by.  It is sad to say that everything you make you then have to turn around and pay the state, the government, and who knows else just so they can say it is okay for you to do business.  There are enough stipulations in place for towers.  Maybe if they were enforced a little better instead of trying to create another panel to tell us what is acceptable and what isn't, then business could return to the way it used to be.  I work to support my family and yet it seems that every dollar I make, all I do is turn it around and send to the government to support someone else.  Maybe if people would look back in history and see what this country was built on, maybe then we could get back to a simplier way of life and be able to do the work that needs to be done instead of fighting for the right to work.  It seems that the view of the tower/tow business is that we are a nusiance instead of a vital part of the workforce. Imagine all the stranded vehicles that would be littering the streets, highways, and parking lots if there were no tow companies. By implementing so many fees and regulations, you will in-turn put many towers out of business and then you will see the negative effects that this panel has had on the towing industry.


CommentID: 1190