Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Board for Towing & Recovery Operators, abolished 1/1/13
Regulations Governing the Practice of Towing and Recovery Operators [24 VAC 27 ‑ 30]
Action General Regulations For Towing and Recovery Operators
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 3/21/2008
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3/21/08  9:21 am
Commenter: Anonymous


What exactly is the Purpose of Towing Regulations?

1. To Regulate Towing, this is a question?

A. You need to regulate? 1. Towers as Individuals. 2. The equipment they use (Their vehicles and the equipment they use on it). 3. How they comply with the law(s) and acomplish their trade craft.

2. All I see is a selected individuals who are going to be regulated.

The rules ought to apply to all people who use a Tow Truck ( Wrecker, rollback, car Trailer, etc)

Otherwise you are just picking and chosing, where is the fairness of this?

If your purpose is truly public safety? You will regulate all vehicles, If not why aren't you regulating them? Where have you addressed Inspection of equipment? You haven't of Course.

There are many fine, honest, ethical, Towers.

How are you the Board, going to Micro manage them so you insure, they are operating safely?

Ought this not to be your first Priorty? Why have you not put more emphasis on this?

Get real you are making rules for Trucks or just for people who only tow for a living?

And the private salvage guys, and car lots and others ( according to the current regulations aren't going to be covered) just going to get a free pass. Why is this, Please answer,your justifaction is required?

So instead of trying to create something new, which no one has any idea of the ramifications on how it will affect our public safety. Let's slow down and work on safety first, Shouldn't this be your real goal

on how to safely practice our trade?

Think, Think, Are you using your head for something more than a place to put your Hat?



CommentID: 1182