Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
GDForum ID: 693
Description of Proposed Guidance Document Changes
This guidance supersedes Chapters 2 through 4 (last updated in November 2016) and Chapter 6 (various portions last updated 1999, 2007, and 2016) of the DEQ Civil Enforcement Manual on Virginia Regulatory Town Hall (ID: 4012, CEM-01, CEM-04, CEM- 05, CEM-06, CEM-07, CEM-10, CEM-11, CEM-11A, and CEM-11B). These chapters of the Civil Enforcement Manual covers general compliance and enforcement procedures, the timely and appropriate policy for processing cases, procedures for calculating civil charges, and adversarial administrative proceedings.
[This forum has been finalized.]
Guidance Document(s) for this Comment Forum
Document ID Document Title Current Document Proposed Document
CEM-01 Civil Enforcement Manual - Introduction pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-05 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 2A - Attachments to Chapter 2 - General Enforcement Procedures pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-06 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 3 - Priority, Timeliness and Certainty of Enforcement Actions pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-10 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 6 - Adversarial Administrative Actions pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-11 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 6 Continued - Formal Hearings pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-11A Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 6 Addendum - Cover Memorandum pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-11B Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 6 Addendum pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 1/6/2022
CEM-04 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 2 - General Enforcement Procedures pdf Document     pdf Proposed Document Posted with Revised Changes on 01/06/2022
7143 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 3 - Appropriate, Consistent, and Timely Enforcement n/a pdf Proposed Document Posted with Revised Changes on 01/06/2022
CEM-07 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 4 - Civil Charges and Civil Penalties pdf Document     pdf Proposed Document Posted with Revised Changes on 01/06/2022
7144 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 6 - APA Adversarial Proceedings n/a pdf Proposed Document Posted with Revised Changes on 01/06/2022
Contact Information
Lee M. Crowell, Esq.
P.O. Box 1105
The Virginia Register

Publication Date: 10/25/2021    Volume: 38  Issue: 5
The public comment period began upon publication and lasted for 30 days. It ended on 11/24/2021.
There were no comments
Effective Date:  12/1/2021  Delayed until 12/31/2021 while comments are evaluated.
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