Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
GDForum ID: 2401
Description of Proposed Guidance Document Changes
Virginia has 17 Centers for Independent Living (CIL) and three CIL satellites that provide Virginians with disabilities community based, consumer directed, independent living (IL) services. CILs provide five core services: advocacy, information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling (support and mentoring), and transition services. CILs are funded with a combination of federal funding and state funding through a General Assembly appropriation, which is administered by the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) as grants. The CIL General Policies and Procedures Manual builds upon regulations found in 22VAC30-30 and provides guidance for CILs in Virginia. DARS is updating the CIL General Policies and Procedures Manual and folding in the content of two stand-alone guidance documents that will be deleted. For more information on the changes please review the ORM form.
[This forum has been finalized.]
Guidance Document(s) for this Comment Forum
Document ID Document Title Current Document Proposed Document Revised Proposed
4541 Centers for Independent Living General Policies and Procedures Manual pdf Document     pdf Proposed Document pdf Revised Proposed Posted with additional changes on 6/4/2024
6964 Electronic Storage of CIL Consumer Service Records pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 5/15/2024
6992 Electronic Signatures Guidance for Independent Living Centers pdf Document     To Be Deleted Deleted on 5/15/2024
Contact Information
Charlotte Arbogast
Senior Policy Analyst/Regulatory Coordinator
8004 Franklin Farms Drive
ORM Review
ORM Approved (5/15/2024)
pdf ORM Economic Review Form     posted: 3/7/2024         submitted to ORM: 3/7/2024
The Virginia Register

Publication Date: 4/8/2024    Volume: 40  Issue: 17
The public comment period began upon publication and lasted for 30 days. It ended on 5/8/2024.
View Comments      There are 2 comments. The last comment was entered on 5/7/2024
Effective Date:  5/9/2024   
ORM Review of Revisions
ORM Review completed on 6/4/2024
pdf ORM Economic Review Form     posted: 5/15/2024        Replace
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