Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Public Comment Forum

On this Guidance Document (7028)

CLOSED     Opened on 6/7/2021 and Ended on 7/7/2021

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Thank you for making public comment on the Guidance for the Provision of Specialized Student Support Positions in Virginia Public Schools.  The guidance document was developed in response to the 2021 General Assembly Session Senate Bill No.1257, to amend and reenact §§ 22.1-253.13:2 and 22.1-274 of the Code of Virginia, relating to the Standards of Quality. A section was added to § 22.1-253.13:2. Standard Two. Instructional, administrative, and support personnel. Section 22.1-274 of the Code of Virginia was also amended to reflect the addition of this subsection. This change becomes effective with the 2021-2022 school year.

Based on public feedback, one edit was made to the Guidance for the Provision of Specialized Student Support Positions in Virginia Public Schools. All feedback received related to listing Behavioral Analysts to the list of professionals included in the document as examples. Because "Licensed Behavioral Analysts" are specifically mentioned in the Code language, it was decided to add the language "In addition to the licensed personnel named in the Code language" to address the feedback from constituents.  The final version of the guidance is now available here and will be posted on the Virginia Department of Education’s Office of Student Services webpage.

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note created: 07/09/2021 at 2:57pm

Comment Title Commenter
Inclusion of Behavior analysts as support providers Leslie D Dunbar  6/14/21  12:00 pm
Inclusion of Behavior Analysts in Guidance Document Jessica Olesevich  6/10/21  7:06 pm
Inclusion of BCBA and BCaBA Kristin Herman  6/10/21  10:33 am
VDOE Guidance Document for Senate Bill 1257 Elizabeth Boynton  6/9/21  12:16 pm
VDOE Guidance Document for Senate Bill 1257 Karen Berlin  6/9/21  11:31 am
Inclusion of Behavior Analysts in Guidance Document Selena Layden  6/8/21  5:11 pm
Support for Senate Bill No.1257 Gabrielle Ryman, Shenandoah County Public Schools  6/8/21  1:17 pm

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