Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Department of Labor and Industry
Local Government Union Requirements and Employee Protections [16 VAC 15 ‑ 70]    (Under Development)
NOIRA on Local Government Union Requirements and Employee Protections
Action 6575 / Stage 10472
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action (NOIRA)  
Preliminary Draft Text None submitted  
pdf Agency Background Document 9/3/2024    

DPB Review
Submitted on 9/3/2024
Review Completed: 9/17/2024
Secretary Review Secretary of Labor Review Completed: 9/17/2024
Governor's Review
ORM Review Pending
Governor's office review in progress.  [Day 9]
Virginia Registrar Not yet submitted
Comment Period

You may comment on this stage in a Town Hall comment forum as soon as it is published in The Virginia Register of Regulations.

If you sign up for the Town Hall email notification service, you will be notified when the comment forum opens.

The regulatory information regarding this stage is subject to change until 5 days before it is published in the Register.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Cristin Bernhardt  / Regulatory Coordinator, Hearing Legal Services Off
Address: 6606 West Broad Street
Suite 500
Richmond , VA 23230
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)786-2392    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-
This person is the primary contact for this chapter.


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Action 6575:
NOIRA on Local Government Union Requirements and Employee Protections
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage Type Status
NOIRA   (10472) Governor's office review in progress.
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A stage can be placed "On Hold" only once. When there are major issues with a stage, please consider asking the agency to withdraw the stage and submit a new stage when it is ready for review.