Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Mandate 1373

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Extension of 3-year provisional license
Purpose of legislation
Chapter 748 clarifies when the Board must extend a three-year provisional license issued to a teacher working in a school division by specifying that the division superintendent must provide satisfactory performance evaluations for the teacher during the original three-year provisional license that such teacher was actually employed and received a filed performance evaluation. The Board must amend 8VAC20-23-50(A) of the Licensure Regulations for School Personnel in order to account for the additional statutory language.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 748 (2023)
VAC chapters to be amended
8 vac 20 - 23 : Licensure Regulations for School Personnel
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 6292: Exempt action to align 8VAC20-23 with Chapters 748 and 771 of the 2023 Acts of the Assembly
Latest Stage: Final
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