Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Agriculture and Forestry
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Mandate 1087

Mandate Information
Mandate Title:
Pet shop regulations
Purpose of legislation
This legislation amends the Domestic Animals subtitle (Va. Code 3.2-5900 et seq.) of Title 3.2 to, in part, require the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services to adopt, by July 1, 2022, comprehensive regulations governing the keeping of dogs and cats by any pet shop.
Legislation mandating a change Chap 1284 (2020)
VAC chapters to be amended
2 vac 5 - 105 : Regulations for the Inspection of Pet Shops Selling Dogs or Cats
Associated Regulatory Actions
Action 5677: Promulgate regulation required by Chapter 1284 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly
Latest Stage: Final
Deadline for the regulation to become effective 7/1/2022
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