It's clear in the past that Virginia has always blindly followed the CDC/ACIP guidelines. What's even more clear is that there is a plethora of evidence this jab is harmful. Natural immunity has served people better than this genetic altering jab and the "breakthrough" cases. It's not a vaccine by any means. The proof of harm outweighs the zero benefits it has to offer. The European parliament has done a better job of protecting their children. The Board of Health does NOT represent the people when they only allow ten people to speak from the public for two minutes each, then cut you off and not allow sentences to be completed. They have harmed patients from the beginning and still don't allow life-saving treatments. Children of Virginia should NOT become pawns or guinea pigs to TOXIC and EXPERIMENTAL jabs under NO circumstances should this jab or any for that matter be tolerated to be forced without Informed Consent. Fauci lied, people have died it's time to pick a side! Why don't you make manufacturers liable again and listen to doctors who are treating patients without the need for these jabs. That's right Profit has been chosen over HUMAN LIFE. Parents aren't having this! Look at the small percentage who've chosen willingly and now have injured or dead children. Conflicts of interest are just that and trust in the system has already been eroded. You should STOP The JAB altogether even the Pfizer executive has admitted it doesn't stop or prevent anything.
There is absolutely no reason to add the experimental and harmful COVID injection to the immunization list for children. The risks of this injection far outweigh any benefits. The side effects (known and unknown) from this injection are a greater concern than the now obsolete benefit from injection. An overwhelming majority of the population now has natural immunity to COVID. Our innate immunity offers greater protection than an inoculation could provide. Given the lack of long term data on this injection, the numerous side effects being reported, and the lack of efficacy from the injection there is no reason to include the COVID shot to the schedule.
This jab does not act as a vaccine in preventing spread and, even if it did, we know that children have a minuscule risk of severe symptoms or death from Covid, so there is no justification for making it mandatory for school children. Parents who want their children to get jabbed will have that option. The only reason to mandate it to school children is to line the pockets of the manufacturers and the politicians who receive financial support from them. We all know this, so please do not try to pull a fast one on Virginia parents. We won’t stand for it.
I support medical freedom. All vaccine requirements to attend school should be repealed. Parents should make decisions about their children's medical health, not the government. The CDC and the VDH are corrupted by pharmaceutical industry
I have nothing against vaccines for children that have been proven effective in longitudinal human testing processes with well-documented results. However, I have strong objections to adding the COVID vaccine to any immunizations for children. The COVID vaccine does not have longitudinal studies in animals. It has no longitudinal human testing studies or any published results therefrom. The COVID vaccine has a substantial history of associated negative effects in humans, including myocarditis in young children, and negative effects, including deaths, in young adult athletes in high school and college. In some cases, the effect appears directly related to the vaccine, and in others there seems to be an associative relationship with a possible causative relationship. Because of the number of negative effects, and the uncertainty of long-term effects in humans, combined with the inadequacy of the testing done prior to introduction of the vaccine, and the protections given to the manufacturers by the Federal government against lawsuits resulting from personal injury from the vaccine, I am strongly opposed to adding the COVID vaccine to any of the vaccines now being given to children as a condition of attending school.
The COVID vaccine should not be required for school for the following reasons:
Do the right thing by the people you serve and not big pharma - NO mandatory COVID vaccine for school.
The exemption for Virginia should remain. It's against Nuremberg codes to not explain to people about risks of vaccines.
Kids are not at risk for COVID. do not force them to get these shots to go to school.
Most people would be fine receiving vaccines if they were assured that the vaccines had gone through the proper testing and mandates were not influenced by big pharma. Covid erroded trust in the medical profession with mandates that were not effective. Pfizer has even stated they never tested the covid vaccine to make sure it would stop transmission. Focus on rebuilding trust with the people. Until then, no vaccine should be mandated without proper testing.
No to mandatory Covid shot for schools. They don't work. We all know it.
I don't believe that COVID shots are under consideration based on what I've seen from Gov Youngkin and AG Miyares, but to be clear given the choice between potentially sterilizing my kids and public school, there is nothing to consider. I can tell you that I speak for many, many parents on this. No one will inject my kids with the Bill Gate's vaccines.
No COVID shots, no flu shots, no mRNA.
There is unequivocal proof that children are not at great risk and there is more harm from the COvid vaccinations. There should not be a requirement for this. Leave it up to individual families to determine what they want to do. I am totally against this possible mandate.
These shots are dangerous. They have killed and injured many people. I know people who have been injured and who have died from these shots.
Current law mandates these medical treatments with only two, very limited exemptions. Remove current mandates, and carve into law protections against future medical mandates. Ensure Virginians have full, legal protection of their bodily autonomy and freedom from forced medical treatments.
No, no, no to these shots! Children are potentially damaged more severely from the shots than from the actual illness. It is a game of Russian Roulette if a person will get ill effects, permanent health damage or die after being injected. No to mandates!
There is absolutely no health need to add the Covid 19 shot to the childhood schedule. Children are at a negligible risk to any real problems associated with this sickness. At this point most have natural immunity. But they are at a very real risk for sometime very severe or life threatening side effects from the experimental shot which is proven to be neither safe nor effective. Look at to the government VAERS or V safe data. The only ones benefiting from this program would be the drug companies. Is that really what we want for our children?
Thank you.
It is astonishing that this is even a question of debate. These experimental injections are not even real vaccines and anyone who has not been drinking the pharma-sponsored propaganda knows they don't even work. Even the CDC finally admits they do NOT stop transmission. Our CDC director is a perfect example: despite several boosters, she was out with Covid for over two week! So where is the possible justification for a mandate? These products should be removed from the market! Even if they did work, kids are at such low risk for Covid and there are cheap and safe antivirals that do work while there are numerous risks associated with these experimental jabs. More people are waking up to the lies every day. You will look like the evil fools in California if you mandate this for the innocent children of Virginia. I implore you to do the right thing. And while you're at it, remove the other vax mandates from the schedule, especially HPV. That's another scandal that we parents are waking up to.
School Children [12 VAC 5 - 110]
• We don't co-parent with the Government.
• The adoption of this Covid shot is not
evidence based as it's neither safe nor
• The COVID Shot is not routinely
recommended in children. In fact, it is
increasingly not recommended in healthy
children in countries around the world
stop covid Vaccines and never mandate any vaccines. None of the vaccines should be administered ever. None of them work!!!!!!
If ever there was a personal "choice" issue, this is it. One of my sons, while on active duty as a very healthy submariner, was mandated to take the vaccine, against his personal choice. A day later he was hospitalized as a "heart attack" victim, only to later (days) learn, while in the hospital, it was not a heart attack but rather myocarditis; he was in fact among the very first cases of such, and was actually told by naval authorities not to tell anyone about this. Complete garbage, and of course the rest is history, we now know the science was created and/or faulty, the "tests" were incomplete, and the proof remains that the vaccine does not deliver as promised. Thankfully my son survived, but lost his ability (and Naval career) to serve any longer as a submariner, and is still experiencing health problems that could very well plague (and exhaust) him the rest of his life. This decision is a no brainer, and our Governor was elected on several key issues, this clearly being among them.
Please do not add these. They are totally unnecessary for the kids. Let parents decide what’s best for their families.
Please do not add the Covid shot to the required vaccine schedule.
The CDC approval of the shots as safe or effective was not “evidence-based”
If you mandate this poison we will be homeschooling and not vote for anyone that approves this trash.
No to Covid vaccine requirements for school age children and adults!!
Please don’t let this shot pass. Children don’t need any more manditory vaccinations.
The CDC has lost the public trust. VDH must break ties with their recommended schedule and apply actual critical thought to this regulation. Any shot not tested long-term in a double blind, placebo controlled, randomized control trial should be removed from the list until proper testing is completed. Anything less is malfeasance on the part of VDH. This includes the ill conceived genetic treatment also known as the COVID-19 shots. A thorough investigation of the link between increased childhood “vaccination” and increased childhood disease and mortality should also be immediately conducted and this regulation not enforced until complete with a satisfactory risk/benefit finding for each proposed requirement.
Please do not mandate an experimental gene therapy drug that has no clinical trials to ensure safety to be used on children as a vaccine.
The Covid vaccine does not stop people from getting Covid or transmitting Covid. This shot has had no long term safety studies, so there is no way to know what long term side effects people will have. The parents in Virginia will not allow our children to be used as lab rats. Do not add this to the VA vaccine schedule!
Do not give children a vaccine that could kill them. Stop thinking about money instead of children’s lives.
No covid shot mandate! It is clear the shot has not prevented the illness or the spread, and it is already one big experiment putting pros Vs cons, data is still “inconclusive”. One thing is for sure, respiratory illnesses are on the rise. Hmm
Covid vaccination should not ne mandated pr required for amyone bit especially mot for children. There is not enough data to support the need mor enough information to know how that will effect the future generations. Ot should always be parental choice.
There is no evidence based science that supports the efficacy of the covid shot. Children should be governed by their parents on this issue, not the state. This is an outdated, ill founded issue.
Good evening,
Please vote no for mandatory covid vaccines.
Thank you,
I get to choose what I inject in my body
and my children’s
my body - my choice!
no vaccines are necessary when we already know the HCQ, ivermectin and many other treatments are available!
stop the crimes against humanity now!
I already pulled my kids out of public school and I quit my job -you VDH can’t make me do ANYTHING
this is it about community health if you read the ingredients found in the vaccines and you review the VAERS website
this is fear based programming
guess what? It’s not working anymore
we all know….
The COVID shot is not a traditional vaccine and is inadequately tested, particularly in children.
We, and our children, are the test subjects
and the risks demonstrably outweigh the benefits of COVID vaccination in children and adults
so go pound sand!
No more fear porn!!
The covid shot is not evidenced based. It has been proven to not stop transmission, and it has been proven to pose multiple health risks for children. No to helping big pharma make more money by hurting our children! No to co-parenting with the government! No to taking away our rights as parents!
Please do not add the covid shot ( it cannot be called a vaccine because it does not prevent disease) to the list of shots required for the children of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
To Whom it May Concern
I am writing to express my concerns about the Covid vaccine for children under 18! I am against any government or entity who decides what is best medically for our children. Parents make that determination. Please consider the following:
This is not about children’s health. It is about control and money for degenerate politicians. As of 7:07PM November 15, 2022 more than enough has been exposed regarding the harm Covid-19 vaccines are causing children and adults. At this point it is clear that politicians, health workers, corporations, and judges who make attempts to coerce another person to get one of these deadly shots are trying to cause harm to our precious children. They should have all licenses revoked and be barred from holding public office.
What politician is making money off this? It is not about public health. This is unscientific malevolence. 2020 Covid had 99% recovery rate. It’s variants in 2022 are even less dangerous. Who’s making money off hurting children?
The Covid shot (as it cannot be called a vaccine in the true traditional definition of the word), is ineffective in preventing infection, illness and transmission. Which begs the question- what is the point? There is more harm with these shots than benefits- myocarditis, pericarditis, blood clots. Despite the crippling effects this has had on so many who were coerced or forced to take the shot to continue to work or attend university. Please VA- do the right thing- be a leader among the country- say no to adding this experimental, ineffective shot to the childhood schedule for vaccines- because again- this shot is not in fact a vaccine.
The Covid vaccine not safe and effective please don’t add the Covid vaccine as required immunization
It's only successful at making drug companies and their investors wealthy.
Please stand with parents as we fight for the freedom to choose the vaccines we expose our children too. Far too many adults have been adversely affected by this vaccine, please do not subject our children to the same. No to the COVID vaccine for children.
Healthy children under 18 have virtually no risk of death from COVID, a 99.995% recovery rate and the vast majority have minimal symptoms. Most children are already immune. The shot does not prevent transmission or infection with the virus.
It’s not safe or effective
The COVID injection neither provides immunity, nor reduces transmissibility, for the virus; therefore, it is not a vaccine. Youth have miniscule risks from COVID-19 but have substantial risks of developing myocarditis from the injection. Say no to Big Pharma!!! Reject their mRNA shot that is killing healthy youngsters!!!
Do not require the COVID vaccine for children! There is no data or evidence on side effects, long-term. Therefore, parents cannot make an informed decision and are simply rolling the dice. Known side effects like myocarditis are not “mild,” particularly for male student athletes, nor do they always resolve on their own without death. Preserve the rights of parents to do what is best for their precious child!
No covid shot required for the kids.
We do not know what the long term effects are for this experimental vaccine but we do know enough to know that children are low risk for serious effects from COVID. Parents should be the ones to decide whether their child receives this vaccine. Stop taking away our parental rights! Our children are not your test subjects!