Please improve on the DEQ's outreach process. People in every community that is impacted by actions for which the DEQ has responsibility should have a chance to be heard. Be it pipelines, mining, roads, industry, or any other land use and/or other environmental quality issue, anyone who lives in Virginia, breathes in Virginia, drinks water in Virginia or otherwise enjoys our beautiful commonwealth deserves a voice. Wealth or its lack, skin color, political power and other differences should give no group more or less opportunity to determine their quality of life. The voices of marginalized communities across the commonwealth need to be prioritized, valued, and empowered in all decision-making processes. In doing so, the regulation needs to include: scheduling public hearings on permits in the directly impacted communities earlier in the process and with both in person and hybrid opportunities; hold public hearings when accessible to full time workers; and give more advance notice of when public hearings will be held.