Action | Develop requirements that will address concerns regarding transfer and off-site management of poultry waste in the Commonwealth. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/21/2009 |
From: Lee Goldman
Address: 1408 Whitley Dr.
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703-624-0223
I have been fishing the Shenandoah River (both South Fork, North Fork and main stem) over the past 20 years. I have seen a significant reduction in the number of small mouth bass, especially in the past 4-5 years. I am greatly concerned about the impact of poultry waste on the water quality and the aquatic ecosystems. My fishing friends and I are very supportive of the pending regulations regarding restrictions on the disposition of poultry waste.
I have seen other fertilizers destroy an otherwise vibrant ecosystem - as evident once the golf course around Lake Manassas was created and began fertilizing the acres of grass which ran into Lake Manassas and nearly eliminated the sport fish there.
I am hopeful that the Virginia Assembly will recognize the value of clean waters in terms of the health costs around drinking polluted water, the cost of lost sporting and recreational tourism, and the steadily increasing cost in time and dollars to restore our waterways to healthy levels.
Lee Goldman