Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Health Professions
Board of Veterinary Medicine
Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine [18 VAC 150 ‑ 20]
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12/6/20  11:04 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Strongly support this change even if temporary

We are asking for help. Encouraging people to become LVTs sure not fix the problem that there is a shortage. The argument here is why did we go to school then. Why don't we also look at all the veterinarians performing surgery, ultrasounds, chemotherapy, etc that have not done internships and residencies. Those veterinarians "devalue" the others' education. The truth of the matter is there is not enough to go around so they are allowed to do those things under the practice act, which is far worse than showing a well trained veterinary assistant to put in a catheter. A veterinarian can teach an assistant aseptic technique and why you are doing what you are doing. The veterinarians are suffering because of the shortage with no end in sight. I also don't understand you can place an IV while in school but the minute you finish, pending the vtne, you cannot. A good compromise would be to allow VTNE eligible staff to perform these duties. They still went to school and have a degree in veterinary technology.


CommentID: 87666