The mutated corona cell, which produced the Wuhan Flu, in it's natural state lives in every human. We have the auto defenses to defeat an invasion of the mutations. They are short-lived, and in most cases produce only mild respiratory influenza symptoms. If the mutated corona is introduced to an healthy host, it will run its course in 2 - 3 days. Treatment involves bed rest, plenty of water and juice, an high-nutrient diet, plenty of fresh air, normal hygiene practices, and exposure to sunshine. Add exercise to the the regimen, and you have the ideal prevention. Wearing rags on one's face, and sanitizing our first line of defense is counter-productive. Please let practical human biology be the guide in responding to the rag-end of this non-pandemic. Draconian measures, to instill fear are doing no one any service. The new normal is just regular old normal. Use scientific experience and logic, rather than far-fetched, and always wrong projections.
-- a survivor