Schools in our district closed March 13. We only have a few buildings open for food distribution sites. In the past weeks, we have had positive cases of COVID-19 at THREE of our schools. In most cases, a person was asymptomatic while coming to the school... yet, in the first case, we already know the asymptomatic person infected others. We just got notice of the positive case at the third school; we don't know yet if others were infected. This is all with a skeleton staff of just a few individuals, strict distancing, disinfecting, and masks, no families or visitors allowed into the buildings themselves, and a restricted time window of occupancy (only certain days/hours.)
If this small cohort of educated adults could not protect themselves, how are we ever going to control COVID-19 if we all return to campus? Especially as students will NOT be required to even wear masks?
Children DO get COVID-19; they do get ill from it; they do suffer permanent health impacts from it, and they do die from it. Just in smaller numbers than adults. And... they do serve as vectors to spread it to others. I will not feel safe returning to teach on campus. My grandson will not be returning to onsite school.
Do not leave this to the individual school districts. We need real leadership - especially in the absence of such on the federal level. Look at the science, and don't give in to political pressure to force schools to open just to provide free babysitting for other professions.
You need to protect teachers and school staffers as well as the children, and you need to protect all of our families. We should not open schools until we have stopped community transmission, or, there is a vaccine.