Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/22/20  4:52 pm
Commenter: Hillary Clinton, BLM

Masks are racist

Dear Governor Northam,

I am calling on you to step down because of your racist and discriminatory mask policy. This policy is not founded in any science, nor does it help our minority communities who cannot afford to have masks to protect them from Covid-19. Since systemic racism exists in Virginia Government, it can only be solved through the complete dismantling of the government and turning Richmond into a government free zone where the disadvantaged minority community can claim whatever grounds they please as reparations for your sins. Only after you sign away Richmond to the african american community and then step down, can Virginia truly begin the healing process. You need to attone for your sins. Be the leader and an example for the rest of the country, resign.

CommentID: 83170