Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  1:14 pm
Commenter: Kerri J Ross

Worker Safety

Any first responder should be given the proper tools to do their job.  If you deal with the public in any way you should be given, in this current environment, the proper PPE.  We see in nursing homes and prisons that infectious diseases can run rapid.  We have service industry people such as utility technicians that have to enter a persons home with no idea what infectious diseases may be brewing.  People in the health care industry, reguardless of if in the hospital, doctor office, or patients home. (even the people that take blood donations).  All of these people considered essential should be at the high end of the risk list.  We need to do a better job of taking care of those that take care of us.  

CommentID: 80852